GDKP in Season of Discovery

Nice try dude.

Not sure what you think I’m “trying”? Just wanted to make sure anyone reading your comment would understand that your perspective is warped.

“Please note that we have multiple detection methods for GDKP that are effective both inside and outside of dungeon or raid instances.”

If you have these viable methods of detecting GDKP both inside and outside of instances how on earth do you not have viable means of detecting and banning gold buyers?

Gold buyers are the actual problem, not GDKP.
Gold buying is against your TOS, GDKP isn’t.

Why can’t you police your own TOS and get to the root of the problem?

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What exactly do you think the inflation is caused by genius?
If GDKPS dont exist to facilitate the assimilation of RMT gold into the economy, the economy doesnt inflate.
GDKPs are the vehicle that the illegally bought gold rides in to reach the ultimate destination. It is basically like money laundering.

If one player has 10000g, 1 player can buy 10000g worth of goods.
Maybe they buy 1 or 2 very rare items on the AH that are listed for an exhorbitant amount of gold and 1 or 2 other people end up with 500-1000g over the course of many weeks.

GDKP accelerates this 1000 fold.
If one player RMT’s 10,000g, then spends 2000g per week in a 10man GDKP buying items, thats 9 other people being infused with hundreds of gold per week that was ultimately acquired illegally.
But its not just 1 guy, its a hundreds of idiots per server buying thousands of gold with RMT and then infusing a raid group multiple times per week with tens of hours worth of gold that ultimately would not be in those player’s pockets otherwise.
If 1 guy out of 1000 has 1000g because they RMT’d it, the average cost of goods isnt going to focus on the one guy’s spending power, its going to focus on the 999 other people that are buying the majority of consumes and mats.

By your logic, bread and milk should cost $1000 each because people like Jeff Bezos can easily afford them at that price. But youre forgetting Jeff Bezos is one guy and only needs to buy Bread and Milk for one person.

I dont think you even understand what inflation is.

So the gold you get in gdkps from gold buyers is ok though? Everyone has acknowledged most of the gold buying is done for gdkp.

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It is now.

Thank God, good for you

Yet they don’t ban gold buyers so what exactly is your win here?

So if a gold buyer pays a guild to run them through a raid and give them literally every piece of gold then what? That’s not GDKP.

So if a gold buyer buys boosts that’s okay? That’s not GDKP.

The problem on WoW is and always has been gold buyers and bots. They simply don’t want to invest the resources to police their own TOS terms. GDKP is NOT a problem if the players involved are actually earning their gold ethically and in accordance with TOS.

It is only a problem because of gold buyers and Blizzard refuses to address GOLD BUYERS even though it is something they can do very quickly because private servers do it all the time with far less resources than Blizzard has.

There are so many slippery slope fallacies in this thread I need ice cleats.

Those who are complaining their posts are being removed. Those are being taken down as spam, not some conspiracy to keep your lukewarm takes from being seen. Stick to a thread or two, don’t spam post your outrage.

Bad actors ruined your GDKP, not Blizzard. Lack of policing this “much loved” loot system did this. This will hurt gold sellers and buyers, that’s the point.


They specifically state that “We’re defining GDKP as any raid or dungeon run where items are awarded in exchange for gold.”
So yes that would also be considered a GDKP.

Gold buyers and Bots are indeed part of the problem.
But GDKP’s are the most widley used way that ilegally obtained gold is distributed into the economy. Without GDKP’s to dish out thousands of gold (currently, and millions later) into the hands of players for very little effort, the economy inflates at a fraction of the speed, prices of consumes and mats stay lower longer, and the barrier of entry for new players remains tennable.

Once GDKPs have run rampant like they have in ERA and Wotlk, a new player basically cant ever play the game normally because they wont ever be able to afford even the most basic items.

Many people on reddit and facebook communites have shared hundreds of Screenshots of their AH buyouts for items that were selling for 1-5g on Classic Hardcore, and then again after they died and transfered to Era, selling the same items for hundreds of gold.
The only other remedy to this would be to literally make Mats and Consumes worthless by flooding the supply using hyperspawns and increasing resource drops the way it is in retail. Which feels terrible imo.
I dont know about you, but i would like to avoid that scenario in SoD.


I too would like to avoid that scenario but I would prefer if Blizzard would actually POLICE their TERMS OF SERVICE and ban gold buyers. If they can easily detect GDKP then I assume they can easily detect gold buying. Sweeping PERMA bans of all gold buyers addresses this problem. They are going after a symptom of the disease rather than the disease itself.

I think a lot of people forget that Blizzard has suspended people for buying gold and banned bot accounts. They do this in waves all the time. They are making an attempt to stop it. The botting and gold buying has just become so rampant because of things like GDKP, that it’s gets overwhelming to police. GDKP rewards those who buy gold. Yes there are others things they can buy but GDKP is something that they can clearly remove.
For those complaining about other loot systems, try SR with loot handed out at the end. It takes a minute to setup and share a link, and works just fine.


With all your complaining about GDKP being removed why don’t you go play classic era or wrath, or retail. It’s still ok there……For now

There have been a lot of sweeping gold buying bans. But assumptions arent very conducive to progress. It seems they have more issues detecting gold purchases than they would like players to believe and this is a great way they can halt, or incredibly hinder the flow of illegal gold into the hands of thousands of players.
If one or gold buyers slip through that find themselves sitting on piles of gold they cant spend on anything other than AH items, then its not a such a huge loss.

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So in game currency isn’t meant to be used as in game currency ?


What sweeping gold buying bans? Can you show me?

I’m not talking about 2 week suspensions… 1 month suspensions. I mean perma bans and make it as public as possible.

Put all Gold Buyers on notice. Forget about how hard it may be to detect it, the top 10% of the most egregious gold buyers will be easy to prove – make an example of them and permabanning them in the most public way as possible so other lower tier gold buyers and would-be gold buyers think twice of doing it.

BOOM. Problem solved.


That’s cute……but if you swipe a credit card and get gold that is precisely what they are working against. And everyone knows gdkp inheritantly does attract those types of players.

Kinda tired of people acting as if all gdkp is on the up and up.

Quit lying to yourself. You know exactly what you’re doing.


How is that precisely what they are working against when they don’t actively POLICE their long standing TOS against buying gold?!

Please answer that question.

i agree with you. we want the same thing. But GDKP’s harbor many of the same people that you want gone as well. dont just take away the drug buyers. The sellers will always find a way to supply. Burn down the corner they sell the drugs on and the rats will scatter.

They do sweeping bans. Do they not? They’re not perfect. But they’re working on issues known. That’s better than sitting on their hands