GDKP in a nutshell

no amount of anecdotal evidence where you claim gdkps are free from rmt gold has any worth either

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probably because advertising for gdkp’s isnt allowed in lfg so the chat suspension is warranted

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That is 100% allowed in LFG.

This is another unsubstantiated lie you tell yourself in order to justify actually breaking the terms of service.

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if it were, people wouldn’t be getting actioned for me, you aren’t allowed to sell things in lfg channel, i also do this to summoners who try to sell services in there

that’s just not true, it’s a fact and it’s why they even introduced a seperate services trade chat in retail

A gdkp is a loot system. The fact that the group uses that system doesn’t make it not a group.

People advertise regular runs in trade chat without fear of losers like yourself brigading them.

if it was a loot system then gold wouldn’t be getting traded, keep catching mutes for all I care

Yes, they would, if multiple players are reporting them, abusing the report system. This has already been explained to you. Players are issuing false reports en-masse which results in posters getting warned via automated system.
What won’t happen is them actually receiving an account action, unless they actually are engaging in RMT, but you won’t be able to distinguish that, because the bluemail triggers from en-masse report abuse.

This is more fallacious logic. The presence of an account action is not proof of validity for that action, especially when it is prompted by mass reports.

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That doesn’t even make sense.

no, they wouldn’t. they seem to be appealing and sitting these suspensions because they broke the rules

Xurf is just a troll baiting responses, just ignore and move on.

Hopefully someone from support will notice his false reports soon enough and remove him.

Why would blizzard respond to an appeal on a suspension? They don’t even need to tell you why you were suspended. They just uphold it and pretend it was warranted so they don’t open themselves up to having to reimburse game time.

it’s so funny that simple rules just “don’t make sense” to rulebreakers

That’s not even a rule, let alone a simple rule. I never broke a rule. You said it wouldn’t be a loot system because gold is traded.

Which makes no sense.

They’re not getting suspended. The blue mail doesn’t tell you they’re getting suspended. The blue mail tells you that something happened. In this case, someone getting muted because you and a bunch of other trolls abused the report system.
Mutes are the result of the automated system.
Suspensions are not, and the blue mail you get doesn’t differentiate between the two.

Simple rules like, “Don’t file false reports” or “don’t abuse the report system?” The only one breaking rules ITT is you.

it’s been a rule for years, it’s why people started getting in trouble for selling boosts in lfg in first classic. you’re clearly abusing the system to advertise for your suspicious activities, so you caught a mute for it, use the correct channels and maybe you’ll avoid that if you get lucky or accurately vet everyone you invite

another very simple rule, you cannot use lfg channel for messages meant in trade, and vice versa