GDKP in a nutshell

And? I don’t really care if pug groups are unfair. If you want fair, do guild runs. I don’t do random roll pugs for a reason. You can choose not to do GDKP pugs as well.

just because buying a small amount barely gives you an advantage doesn’t mean anything, are you trying to justify goldbuying by saying that without a significant advantage of a bulk buy, it’s fine? you’re understanding of how systems work in wow is very flawed, if gold demand goes up, bots will increase and thus flooding the market with more mats, that normal people used to farm for gold, and driving those mat prices down thus making it a less desirable option.
I should have kept reading until your 2nd sentence to see you justify botting…
just because you dont want to farm mats to make gold so the bots dont affect you doesnt mean they dont effect everyone else, very closed minded view to have

A sociopathic bully on a moral crusade has no room to tell someone else they’re being close minded.
GDKPs still don’t violate the ToS. Reporting GDKPs because you’re angry they exist and are allowed by Blizzard still does violate the ToS.

7600 player poll is far more authoritative than any so called theories you’ve had about how many people buy or don’t buy gold to use in gdkps

If we could wave a magic wand and make the changes, great. But Blizzard has historically failed to effectively ban bots and RMT. Banning GDKP doesn’t really solve anything. If the prices of consumes go up, or other desirable AH items, that will drive gold buying as well.

The current situation leaves consume prices cheap. If you think that’s a bad thing because prices are low due to bots, I can respect that. But it’s better than prices being outrageously high.

my point is your argument means nothing.

like… nearly EVERYTHING can be considered a “transaction”.

bunch of keyboard lawyers in here crying about GDKPs

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It’s not authoritative at all. Flat out.
It’s literally from content designed to make you upset.


how do you imagine the price of consumes going up will drive up goldbuying when the bots are the ones farming the consumes to then turn around and sell the gold

IN other words, click bait. And they’re biting it hook line sinker and pole.

nothing you’ve said has as much merit as a poll much larger than any sample size you could ever come up with, especially considering you haven’t even set foot in a gdkp or so you say

how can ms>os be considered a transaction?

The sample size is meaningless because the poll is meaningless. The majority of people watching that clickbait are upset/angry and may wish to skew the results. There is no indication of how many of those responses are playing the game. There is no tie to blizzard accounts for the poll.
The results are entirely meaningless in any capacity. You’re the sort of bully who would answer “Yes” to that poll just to drive up the figure to point at.

Because I looted you an item.

it moved from object A (dead boss) to object B (player).

the loosest term for transaction means to carry out an activity. sleeping can be considered a transaction you dingo.

there. transaction.

You traded time for someone else to get loot. Time is a commodity just like gold is.

What did he give you?

it’s an effort and step in the right direction, the “problem” will never be solved but we can come up with solutions to lessen the effects that bots have on the economy, like banning gdkps

Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
an instance of buying or selling something; a business deal.
“in an ordinary commercial transaction a delivery date is essential”

Just so were clear here

when did I open the trade window?

it isn’t my responsibility to go looking for stuff that you claim, you are supposed to provide it that is how debates work.

I did look it up, the survey is pretty invalid for a number of reasons (sample size vs total wow population, they only had 7.8k respondents, they would need 10K to be accurate. assuming the 2.5 million daily players was an accurate size of the wow player base.

Except banning GDKPs wouldn’t even slightly affect bots or RMT. GDKPs are an infinitesimally small fraction of player-traded gold throughout.
RMT didn’t need GDKPs to exist to destroy server economies in the past, and RMT ruins economies in games that have nothing like GDKPs.
Banning GDKPs wouldn’t have any noticeable effect on botting or RMT because the overwhelming majority of players aren’t doing GDKPs.
Blizzard has also said they’re not going to ban GDKPs.