GDKP in a nutshell

I dont want to hear you bring up parses ever again with that below average parse on the current wrath toon you are posting on

We have first hand experience seeing how GDKPs operate. You are just choosing to ignore the impact it had on era and trying to make out because we’re dealing with lesser sums of gold that it isn’t happening and won’t continue happening as gold inflates.

Man I asked you for your parses and you just went quite so dont even try this. You can check Mtn- Lone Wolf US thats my SoD main.

people buy gold, because there are gdkps, that is a 100% true statement, that doesn’t say all people buy gold for is to gdkp, but you are completely wrong in that fantasy land of yours

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No it’s just really funny they’re all WOTLK toons with barely any forum activity until these threads were brought up. I know you ruined your iteration of the game with P2W but we don’t want it in SoD thanks.

i don’t care about lvl 25 parses where people press 3 buttons, and classic parses in general so im not the one flaunting and bringing them up, complaining that legitimate worried players have grey parses because of some made up reason that you want to believe, it’s childish

You obviously haven’t if you think that they are full of RMT or that even a significant portion of them involve RMT.

Like I said if you can’t handle 10-20g for an item in SoD that’s entirely on you just being too lazy to do a few quests.

you claimed to have 95 and 98 parses(like an average pleb) and then didnt even post those. So dont try to bring parses into this we all know you are bad at the game if you have 0gold and cry on the forums about gdkps with 20gold pots. While there are bots farming thousands of golds flyhacking around.

i know many regular guild raiders that have never seen 10g because they dont quest or farm, but they still get loot in raids because they aren’t forced to buy gold like you want them too, in order to participate in your gdkps

Hosts are directly incentivized to find the biggest buyers because they will walk away with more gold for their time. That you think there isn’t a significant amount of RMT in such a system is hilariously ignorant.

i claimed to have 95 parse IRL, do you know what that means? have you ever taken a clinical iq test? my avg parse in bwl in 2020 was 98.2 and it doesn’t mean a single thing just like your below average parses dont in ulduar, just like people whom grey parse which shouldn’t concern you

So let’s just make sure you’re being real clear, you think 10g is a lot of gold in SoD?

I’ll be real clear with you. I’ve reported you for suspected gold buying because you spend literally thousands of posts defending RMT and trying to deflect with sh*t posting.

Not sure how to explain to you that this is an alt that only raided with pugs my wotlk main has 96+ avg in Ulduar.

Man you could be halfway decent at the game if you didnt spent all day trash talking on the forums. I farmed 800g in SoD without joining a single gdkp.

And 98.2 in BWL isnt very good, I had 99+ on everything in bwl.

10g is literally the most expensive item you can get in sod phase 1 so what, pray tell, would you call it otherwise, cheap?

So you do think that 10g is a lot in SoD?

It’s a simple yes or no question.

i don’t care how much gold you farmed, i’ve completed almost every quest on my pally which gets a free mount at 40 anyway so i have about 200 sitting pretty, with absolutely no need or desire to enter a gdkp and ruin the experience for those that missed out on an actual legitimate raid with me

I am glad you wont join a gdkp you would just slow us down.

you aren’t speedrunning anything, there is no competition when it comes to people like you, gdkps are never in the top 50 fastest bfds so I can tell you’re trolling now

If you put 5% of the time you put into this post into your gameplay you might actually improve and stop crying on forums about people doing better then you.

But you’re an obvious troll that just stirs garbage into forums. I hope you get banned for your false reports and spamming the forums.

You have nothing of value to say with your 100+ posts and I feel sorry for you. What a miserable existence it must be blaming everyone around you and hating on people that do well.

Bye kid and take a break from the forums and reporting you are just making yourself look like a fool.

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