GDKP in a nutshell

You’re denying that gold is exchanged for BoP items in GDKPs, which is complete nonsense. The specific and quantifiable transaction is the BoPs that drop in the raid being exchanged for gold, at a price to be determined by an auction that will take place when the item drops.

That is it.

It is a service which allows you to buy BoPs for gold. That is what GDKP is. It differentiates from non-GDKP in that there is a gold transaction in exchange for items, which is directly called out in the CS post I linked and quoted.

You’re feigning ignorance again. We know how it works.

Are items exchanged for gold in GDKPs or not?

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soooo don’t go to a GDKP then?

why are you so salty?

I don’t. I’m not salty. I will continue reporting any service ads I see outside of /trade, and that includes GDKP :slightly_smiling_face:

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i find your rage against GDKPs amusing.

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So what you’re saying is you form a raid group that can clear the raid, clear the raid and then distribute loot based on the agreed upon method?

Not seeing how that’s any different than a MS > OS run.

What service is being provided? Forming a raid in LFG?

That is actually the proper use for LFG, to form a group to clear content.

This. Its working as evidenced by all the p2w kiddos crying in chat and these forums. Remember, thieves will always defend stealing its their nature.

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I find “Thank you for reporting!” amusing.

The service of being able to buy BoPs for gold. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yep, but if there are items being bought and sold in the group, it is a service, even if a group is involved, and that isn’t allowed in /trade. :innocent:

Perhaps it’s different in that they’re knowingly benefiting from gold buying? They should enact the same bans on them as they do the gold buyers. But hey, we already know this is their stance. Orlyia made it quite clear.

it’s very obvious you’re trolling so gl with the appeal


I find it amusing that you posted 112 times under this post and still havent said anything of value. They need to remove players like you from the game and the forums. And you dare to call out other people for trolling.

they wouldn’t remove me because I don’t rmt or advertise gdkps

It seems more like you have just created your own arbitrary definition of a service. Which is simultaneously wildly vague and hyper specific.

GDKP is explicitly not a service, it’s a loot distribuition system.

No, it isn’t.

Yeah that’s funny. So is boosting ‘not a service’ but a ‘loot distribution service’ too because it’s the same thing.

Right so you are just basing your opinion off of a click bait youtube video.

Nah. First hand experiences in GDKPs. You keep being dumb on the forums and pretending though you gold buying scumbag.

You have yet to explain what service GDKp is actually providing beyond what any other raid provides.

Are you paying a pre arranged price for a pre determined service?

it seems like you don’t understand what the definition of service is, as it is clearly stated in numerous dictionaries. calling a sale a “loot distribution” system doesn’t negate the fact it’s bannable to adverise it in lfg