GDKP in a nutshell

Bold to admit cheating in the forums.

The problem of gdkp’s isn’t only it’s obvious link to rmt. It also trivializes end game pve content and aggravates the sectarism between carriers and carried players.

Gdkp’s have the potential to undermine the entire game, specially in later phases when players will be asked to just stand still and wait for their opportunity to bid.

Just introduce personal loot and this problem, this disease, will go away.

To the devs: Stick your head in the sand won’t solve the rmt/gdkp issue, it won’t just go away by magic, if you don’t intervene.

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The obvious difference with say boosting or selling stealth runs is that the transaction is directly what is advertised.

With GDKP’s it’s the group formation to do a raid, which has all the same group formation requirements as any other raid, the loot system is incidental.

You have yet to explain what the exact transaction/service being advertised is when someone posts “LFM BFD GDKP” as compared to “LFM BFD MS > OS”

/shrug that happens in non GDKP runs as well.

Seems like Blizz doesn’t mind. I’ve reported GDKP’s, detailing why in description, and have only rec’d automated in game mail thanking me and asking me to continue. If Blizz asks me to stop I will, but until then I’ll continue.

Found the gold buyer.


gdkp is a transaction that is directly advertised as well, you don’t have to say an exact price, that’s like saying anyone who says “WTS ITEM” without naming a price isn’t a sale, it’s ridiculous
group formation has nothing to do with it being allowed in lfg, it’s the sale of items that prohibits it, so keep getting reported for all I care
calling a loot system incidental doesn’t mean anything btw, transactions still take place unlike any other “loot system” you mention, funny how you conveniently forget or leave that out. something being a loot system doesn’t mean it’s allowed in lfg by default because there are plenty of “loot systems” that break the rules
if you don’t understand what the word transaction means I suggest opening a dictionary

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Never heard about it, anyway it’s a main feature of gdkp’s, during late content, which has a tremendous negative impact in the game.

Once more, personal loot would solve it.

Gdkp’s are filling the pockets of many, not only with gold, but also with real money. Blizzard should address it asap!

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Classic andys cant even handle a different opinion, you guys are so fragile lol

breaking the law is also a “different opinion” lol so fragile indeed

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GDKP is inherently transactional. There is zero difference.

Other boosting and service groups have the exact same group formation requirements to varying scales. It is not different at all.

“LFM BFD GDKP” directly translates to “looking for people who want to buy and sell BFD BoPs for gold”. That is what happens in all GDKP runs, period.

Nah dude. If someone isn’t participating they don’t get the gear.

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exactly, these players saying 10 people have to contribute to a bfd are ridiculous. 7 fully geared people can do the run easily while 3 are afk, I wonder how many more will be able to afk as raids increase to 40 man

Seems like irony is lost on you p2w kiddos.

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I’ve seen plenty of people get carried in non GDKP runs.

And pro tip, GDKP runs are clearing the same raids as anyone else.

Well no it directly translates to looking for people to clear BFD, the loot system will be GDKP.

I’m still waiting for you to explain exactly what the transaction is here. What is being sold, what is the price? Be precise.

Here I’ll help you, when I see “Selling Boost RFC, 130+ mobs 5g” the price for that service is 5g and I will get a clear of RFC with 130+ mobs killed.

major deflection alert. major deflection alert

news flash

prices dont have to be exact in an ad for them to be a sale, keep denying that trading gold for an item is a sale and keep trolling and I will keep reporting. calling it a loot system does not grant it “protected” status no more than calling a goldsellers ad a loot system

They also love pretending like hosts aren’t directly incentivised with % based cuts to go look for pure buyers (that bought a lot of gold). They want the huge ridiculous bids. Everyone defending this is just trying to pretend like a bunch of innocent boys show upto a raid and like a few gold changes hands and that’s it. Yeah, AS IF.


This is the same as saying “LFM Mara 1-pull boost 1XX mobs, pst” translates to “looking for people to clear Mara, you will sit in the entrance and I will clear” just because they don’t specify a price.
GDKP items are always paid for. It is an item selling service at best and a boosting service at worst, and in either case it is against the rules to advertise for spots in the group outside /trade.

BoP items that drop in the raid. Price TBD based on the auctions that have yet to take place. The often specify minimum bids, so there’s your specific price. I’m not explaining this again. You already know the answer, and everyone reading this nonsense discussion knows the answer as well. You’re feigning ignorance.

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I like arguing from this position because it has nothing to do with RMT or any of the other glaring issues of GDKP, it strictly focuses on the fact that if any items are bought or sold in the raid, it is against ToS to fill the raid via any channel other than /trade.

The insane back bends they’re doing to try to twist the definition of “services” around GDKP is hilariously ineffective lol

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You have still not explained how LFM BFD GDKP directly translates to a specific and quantifiable transaction between the responder and the poster.

All you did was give a generic description of how GDKP works, which ironically doesn’t include any service, merely an indication that the loot system in the raid will be GDKP which is no different than LFM for a non GDKP raid.

You are still just confused about how GDKP’s actually work.

Yes. You grab some carries. You grab some pure buyers. You fill raid and bid off loot to gold buyers. We know how it works.