GDKP in a nutshell

What do you call trading gold to the master looter and receiving gear in return?

You guys are detached from reality.

There is no service being offered, you are confusing GDKP with straight sold runs.

GDKP is a RMT gold laundering mechanism…

Sure there’s some actual people in there with earned gold trying to make their way… but is definitely bloated with swiped gold.

I permanently quit Era when Raid consumes were more expensive in classic than they were in retail and wrath, and I quit a few minutes after a guildy bought DFT for 63,000 gold in a GDKP. That’s more gold than my Classic Wrath characters have had total, including their time in Classic and Classic TBC.

He spent that on a Trinket… which could be replaced in AQ40 and would definitely be replaced in Naxx.

Cannot compete with that kinda cash flow being thrown around.


In every GDKP run, BoP items are sold to the winning bidder in exchange for gold. That is the loot system.

Ergo GDKP is a BoP selling service. I’m not confused.

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See you claim this, but but my experiences with GDKPs is the exact opposite, the gold buyer is the outlier.

If they were the outlier and gold had value, Flasks wouldn’t be going for 600-800 gold on the AH.


No every GDKP is a raid where the loot is bid off among the raid and the proceeds are split among the raid.

That is a huge distinction from selling loot, but I know that confuses you.

Read the thread dude. It doesn’t matter if the gold is split. You’re buying the gear from everyone else in the raid. There is no gray area here, you are buying gear with gold in a GDKP, explicitly, by design.


And at the end of the day it’s a group of people participating in a raid with an agreed upon loot distribution system.

Which is no different than any other raid and not a service being offered that’s any different than a MS > OS raid. You just arbitrarily don’t like GDKP vs MS > OS but won’t just admit that.

That’s all true. What’s also true is that GDKP is a service that lets you buy BoP items for gold, and as a service it is not allowed to be advertised outside of /trade, per Blizzard’s rule change in 2022. Whether I like GDKP or not is irrelevant.

The difference is the transactional nature of it. The exchange of gold for goods and services. The same thing you guys enjoy about GDKP

if I don’t get items, at least I get some gold

is the same thing that makes it against ToS to advertise outside of /trade.

Take the bad with the good.

That would be true if you were say selling a spot in the raid, that would be a trade.

But what’s being advertised in LFG is the formation of the group, that the loot system will include gold is incidental as nothing is actually being sold at that point. That’s what seems to be confusing you.

You seem to think GDKP’s are the same as the people doing stuff like selling 5g for a WC stealth run. Which they’re not and hence why you’re being called out for not having a clue.

You’re reaching so extremely hard, it’s insane to watch.

Read this and it’ll be clear:

Individuals and guilds selling items and profession services for gold is allowed but can only be advertised in-game through the Trade chat channel.

I gave you a clear example of the difference between actually selling a service and forming a GDKP run.

Either you don’t understand it or you don’t like that it destroys your argument :stuck_out_tongue:

You sell items in GDKP for gold, just like you sell boosts in a boost group. You have no leg to stand on.


Lot of folks in here bending over backwards trying to make obfuscate the obvious.


But what LFG is being used for is forming the group not the sale of the items.

And per your fun link that’s fine as everyone will be participating in the activity, IE raiding the dungeon.

Advertising for gameplay activities should be done by a WoW player-character who intends to participate in the gameplay activities. This means there should be no cross-realm advertising, and there should be no advertising from non-participating players.

and at the end of the day, that’s a sale so gg you lose the argument, accept it and move on

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You could apply this same nonsense logic to forming mage boosting groups. Therefore allowing anything to be advertised in LFG so long as it takes place in a group. That’s clearly not permissible under the new rule.

Complete non-sequitur because you aren’t allowed to advertise item selling services outside /trade regardless, which GDKP is. The mage doing the boosting in a boost group is also participating in the game, so what is the point here?

You’re scrambling and finding nothing. Just acknowledge and follow the rules.

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20ish years never bought gold untill i saw the whine didnt use it in a GDKP though. I only track down these whiners and buy their AH listing with my bought gold. Muahahahha