GDKP in a nutshell

Nah, RMT will never be banned.

Might as well ban the GDKPs instead, the people using RMT lol.

SoD is a bit different, I’ve already gotten blue posts back so some folks are out there doing just that.

Maybe you never did, but people certainly are.

Soda even got in trouble for buying gold on HC, it’s brazen. And all they do is GDKP.

GDKP should have their own channel, if I see 'em in trade, they’re getting a report.

I want my trade chat clean of these advertisements.

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This doesn’t even make sense. Your solution is to allow RMT to continue causing the problems it causes, but as long as you don’t see GDKP ads, you can pretend it’s not a problem?

Also, no, there’s a lot more bought gold floating through the AH than there is in GDKPs by sheer volume alone.

Bots pay Blizzard $6,000 dollars a month to maintain their sub fees so they can keep botting.

Me, a singular WoW player, only worth $15 a month.

You think they’re gonna come down on RMT?

Hahaha, no, because that’d hurt them more than any handful of players quitting because of it.

You already said GDKPs have existed forever, well the sad truth is RMT exists alongside that, again, forever.

You can’t have GDKP without RMT, there’s no place for saints of GDKP to only use ‘pure’ gold, nah, there’s always dirty money around and being sent to other players.

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Blizzard has come out and said this is not the case. Botters aren’t paying money to bot, that would cut into their profits. They frequently use fraudulent payment, thus making Blizzard obligated to issue refunds for fraudulent activity lest they earn the ire of the SEC. It costs Blizzard a significant amount of resources to deal with them.

I didn’t say that GDKPs existed for all time, but that RMT did. You can absolutely do GDKPs without RMT, as there are plenty of players that do them without ever being actioned - because they aren’t engaging in RMT.

If you want to use that line of argument, then you need to advocate for shutting down the AH, which sees many, many orders of magnitude more gold passing through it - and therefore, more RMT gold - than GDKPs should ever hope to achieve.

Lol, they 100% are, if you think this, then you don’t know enough about how the bots work.

I’ve done my research on 'em, that’s why I heavily dislike GDKPs.

It’s their biggest clientele, gold-buyers trying to gain an edge over folks for their next raid.


i mean, you can call Blizzard reps liars if you think it helps you prove your point, but the notion that botters are largely paying legitimate money is kind of absurd given how much it would cost.
I think you’re confusing jumping on a bandwagon of a moral crusade with research, while openly claiming to violate the ToS by issuing false reports.

It doesn’t violate ToS, but it violates my screen, so I’m reporting it.

There’s always people defending GDKP but I honestly don’t care because it’s just against the spirit of the game in the first place.

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Then I hope you get banned for bullying players and abusing the report system.

Thoughts and prayers. :pray:t5:


Im with you man. I report them all and blast them in trade chat and lfg for others to report. It becomes a wave of reports. These babies can cry all they want while they sit banned or muted for a while.

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They won’t be banned unless they were engaging in RMT. You, however, can be banned for knowingly issuing false reprots. Blizzard has said GDKPs do not violate the ToS. False reports do.

Yet we are all still here.

Yet we are all still here.


They literally are not sold boosts.

You are just confused about how GDKP’s work.

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In fact, nothing like you 're saying. If there 's only bot with fraudulent payment like refunding, it’s much more easier for BZ to deal with it.
The main reason why bots never get cleaned up is because they use the same type of payment as many real players: using wow tokens. If you 're using wow token for your account subs, you 're nothing better than a bot in the eyes of BZ. That 's also why gold buyers 're not perma banned on first violation, they can bring more profit to bz one way or another.
So, be realistic, RMT 'll always exist alongside with your GDKPs

I’m fully aware of how they work. Read the thread. GDKP is a boosting service for pure buyers. It’s an item selling service otherwise.

It doesn’t matter. If it’s a run with pure buyers it’s a boosting service and an item selling service, and if it’s a normal GDKP run it’s an item selling service. Both of which are not allowed to be advertised outside /trade.

Except it’s literally not, people who need gear are running the raid for gear. No different than any other loot system.

There’s no requirement that it’s only pure buyers and pure carries, in fact once again you have no clue what actually happens in GDKP’s as most people only need a few pieces of gear.

They are buying/selling the gear for gold, which is considered a service per Blizzard CS.

There is no buying of gear.