You’re welcome
No, it isn’t, because GDKPs are a loot system.
you just said you use trade chat to form raids, which would be liable to be actioned for spamming(incorrect channel)
GDKPs aren’t boosting, so GDKPs don’t belong in trade chat.
yes, it is, gdkps are not allowed in lfg
They are boosting. You are selling BoP items for gold.
None of that is related to raid groups using a gdkp system. You’d know this if you had even the slightest of reading comprehension skills
No, it isn’t. Yes, they are. No amount of wishing otherwise on your part will make it so.
“Pay me X gold to get through content” is boosting. GDKPs are; “Everyone participating pools gold together, and if you don’t get your item, you get gold instead.”
Individuals and guilds *selling items and profession services for gold is allowed but can only be advertised in-game through the Trade chat channel.
GDKPs trade BoP items for gold.
what is a master looter when he starts a bid on a piece of loot in a gdkp?
oh its a SELLER ohhhh individuals selling items for gold can only be advertised in game through trade
No, they aren’t, and no, that’s still not what GDKPs are.
“Selling BoP” = “pay me gold and we’ll carry you.”
GDKP = “pool together gold and if you don’t get your item, get gold instead, so you have something to show for your time and effort.”
sorry you lack in understanding what is and isn’t allowed in lfg but at least you cannot claim ignorance as an excuse now, ive told you plenty of times
You’re just a bully, nothing more. You don’t like the system so you want to punish players who use it.
GDKPs are not boosts nor a service, it is a loot system.
what is this “pooling together gold” is there some imaginary pot that blizzard created to make it fair that nobody takes the pot and runs? oh no its a MASTER LOOTER that sells and distributes
If I bid and win an item, I trade the ML gold and receive the item. That is what we call a sale. Mental gymnastics don’t circumvent that absolute basic fact.
you cannot even explain how it is a loot system because you know it’s one blizzard does not recognize, by their own definition it is master looter
GDKP are all 3 at the same time. They are boosts and services for people getting hard carries, they are a service for carries, and it is a loot system that is a boost/service.
Distributes is the key word. You aren’t buying a carry, you’re bidding for an item. If you lose, you get gold instead of the item.
If your argument is that Blizzard not including a native UI to handle it means it’s against the rules, then every points-based loot system would also be against the rules. DKP, EP/GP, etc, as Blizzard doesn’t have anything in-game for those, either.
ninjaing is also a loot system
If I trade you gold and receive an item, I just bought an item from you. Simple as that.