GDKP in a nutshell

yeah haha its so funny when the biggest(or 2nd) name in wow buys gold in a version of wow that was forged in integrity and challenge haha youre so edgy

Its not my job to police Blizzards game when they clearly don’t care about it. If they can’t stop bots in their own game, why do you think you can do it? Why not enjoy what you can out of the game like a normal person.

didn’t he get in trouble for it though?

i do enjoy reporting ppl in lfg while on flightpaths and feeling a sense of pride in cleaning up the game, but people think that im in the wrong somehow, idk i guess ill just keep on keeping on and they will reap what they sow

You’re not cleaning up the game. You’re abusing the report system.
Blizzard has told you GDKPs don’t break the rules. Reporting people who didn’t break the rules make you squarely in the wrong, ethically and objectively.


This guy feels like hes upholding morals and feels a sense of pride when he blatantly breaks the ToS. Just report and move on at this point, hes lost.


i told you i dont wanna interact with rmt defending roleplayers so i havent responded to you again but i wanted to tell you that im gonna keep getting notifs and mail while you go worry about something that doesnt exist

There hasnt been any integrity in classic since it re-released and there have been none before either tbh.

Unless they perma ban gold buyers rmt will only grow bigger, but your uneducated mind shifting blame towards gdkps and mage farmers is nothing but hilarious.
You are silly and nobody is taking you seriously at this point, either admit you messed up and doubled down on being wrong or just move on.

Either way your trying to abuse the report system will only ruin experience for genuine gamers and hopefully gets you banned.


You are getting notifications in your mail because you and a bunch of other people are all reporting people and the automated system is sending them warnings for breaking rules that they didn’t break.


im not ruining any experience for genuine gamers sorry

GDKP isn’t RMT.
I’ve outright called for permanent bans for goldbuyers. If that’s what you consider defending RMT, you’re clinically delusional.
You are breaking the ToS.


You are, you just refuse to accept that you can do GDKPs without touching RMT gold.


He prolly got denied spot in gdkp, coz he gray parses and decided to go out to the forums and get angry, the worst part is the report system is so bad he might end up doing damage to people that dont deserve it at all. But lets hope the false reports catch up with him quick.


there are no false reports, ive been delivering justice since 2020… which is part of the reason why gdkps cant advertise in lfg since they are a service. rmters definitely deserve whats coming to them. my guild actually begged me to help carry them in gdkp back in the day but i refused and quit the guild not long after, since i average parsed 98 back then when i cared about parsing, i parse 95 irl i dont need to prove my gameplay to anyone, especially if it doesnt matter

GDKPs aren’t against the rules. Ergo, every time you’ve reported one, you’ve broken the rules.
GDKPs are absolutely allowed to advertise in LFG, even Blizzard recognizes them as a loot system. They are not a service because every player is expected to perform.
RMTers should be banned. So should you, for violating the ToS and calling on others to do so.
You aren’t “delivering justice,” you are acting unethically and amorally by abusing the report system to report people who Blizzard has told you aren’t breaking any rules.


Delivering justice…, you are delusional and need to seek help.

As well can we get a link to these imaginary parses?

Regardless man multiple people are telling you that gdkps are not against the rules or the reason for RMT in the game, but you keep singing your clueless song.

I learned that there is no point to discuss anything with a person like this. I am assuming you are young looking to get reactions out of people by trolling the forums I hope it’s that and not a mental sickness of some sort.

I lost enough of time talking to you and I wish you the best in the future. Hopefully someone or something will open your eyes and you get better understanding of the inner game mechanics, loot systems and community.

Have fun in Azeroth and try to stay of the forums /report system might do you some good.

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how do I know all of these people telling me this aren’t involved in RMT themselves? a recent reddit ama post by a supposed well known botter themselves said that a majority, which means over 50%, of the community has bought gold, and the odds are in my favor in saying that the minority in this conversation is not the one involved in RMT, unfortunately I just tried to find the post and to my surprise the botters thread was locked and most comments deleted, but I’m sure you can dig that up if you wanted
the only sickness that I see is people actively defending a system which inherently benefits goldbuyers more than anyone else
don’t tell me to have fun in azeroth when you don’t think people can have fun without being paid large sums of gold to simply do the raid, thats disingenuous

It’s being actioned because Blizzards report system is a bot. You could mass report anyone and have the same thing happen.


A 12g payout in a bfd run isn’t ’large sums’ lol

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is that the smallest payout youve gotten?