GDKP in a nutshell

downing content and the loot being dropped incentivizes players to participate throughout

Not if your piece doesn’t drop and the rest of the raid is otherwise meaningless to you.

gdkps only incentivize goldbuying so you can outbid anyone else, further discriminating from participation because if you have enough gold you can just afk.

You don’t need to RMT to be able to outbid other players, you just need to do a little bit of farming. If you’re not contributing to the group, you’ll be removed from the group.

since when do geared players need “a reason” to do content with fresh players? don’t you make new friends? or do you actively want the server and game to die.

Lots of players form static groups and raidlog. This isn’t anything new or newsworthy. GDKPs mean otherwise bored or idle players actually have incentives to do content they’ve already got all their loot from, which can make it a LOT easier for fresher players. Just being social is nice, but incentivizing geared/experienced players to do content with less geared/experienced players should NEVER be discouraged.

you always get something for your time regardless in every raid

No, you really do not. You might get a modicum of coins from right-clicking corpses that amount to less than you put into the raid if you had to swap specs or had to buy consumes in a hurry before the raid. You do -not- always get something for the time spent, and I’m beginning to suspect you’ve never raided before retail. Saying that clams made your time worthwhile is insane.

If you think 10-20 gold requires buying gold to obtain, then it’s clear you’ve also never put any time or effort into making gold. I can clear much more than that in a few hours picking Kalimdor clean of herbs. I made more than that just selling a hammer that dropped from a mob in Althalaxx on the AH.


if the raid is meaningless to you then make some friends
you aren’t the leader of every gdkp and decide who is or isn’t removed, if someone paid someone 10,000 to run them through bfd you would say it’s fine?
stop treating the game as a single player highscores type game and you’ll like it more
you always get something from the raid like you pointed out, I’ve literally made gold form raiding withouut gdkps.
10-20 gold pots are not happening and if you think people won’t buy 100 gold on their 3rd 4th 5th 6th and 7th alt all on the same day to enter gdkps on the same day you’ve got no idea what’s going on, it’s happening all of the time

Funny enough the people that buy gold are usually dads with gray/green parses. Majority of quality players that join gdkps understand the game enough to know that making gold is easy.

I havent joined a single gdkp on SoD or ever bought any gold and I have close to 800gold.

I know people that joined gdkps that have 15gold to their name. Xurf keeps saying that gold buyers go to gdkps that is not my experience, the biggest advantage of gdkps is you play with quality players that are going to stay till the end of the run and you get something even if your loot doesnt drop that run.

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yeah right and im bobby koticks son lmao 800 gold

Making gold in this game is very easy especially if you have basic understanding of economics and know how to play the Auction house or farm in the open world.

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No wonder you are an insufferable T-(ahem)

must take after your father.

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Why does making new friends necessitate not receiving any reward for your time and effort? These aren’t mutually exclusive. There is nothing wrong with receiving gold in lieu of loot if you lost on the loot or already have what dropped.
If someone paid 10k gold to get carried through BFD, that would not be a GDKP. Assuming they didn’t buy that gold, I still wouldn’t have a problem with it, because it’s no skin off my nose, and I have the ability to not participate in things I don’t like. I don’t need to call for bans on things I don’t like that don’t otherwise affect me.
I’m not sure where you got the notion that I’m a hardcore min/maxer parsechaser. I justs clear BFD on lockout with my guildies, or RP.
You said 10 quests worth of gold - that’s 10-20 gold. That said, 100 gold isn’t especially difficult to get through the AH right now, either. I could do so in a few hours picking Kalimdor clean of herbs.
You’re claiming that people are buying 100s of gold to do GDKPs on every lockout, but you’ve provided no evidence this is happening. Most GDKP pots are in the tens of gold, not 100s.
You’re literally making up a fictional scenario to be afraid of or mad about. That’s not healthy.
You are also entirely allowed to admit you were wrong. You aren’t obligated to double-down to save face or maintain your pride. Functional adults are well aware passions can run high due to misunderstandings.


Very well said, it is a lot harder to admit being wrong, then keep saying “I was right” .


You understand there are people that already have 5k + gold on SoD without buying gold or joining gdkps? I am on the lower spectrum with my measly 800g.

right now on my server they are discussing if playing a girl character is the same as RPing as a girl because everybody knows GIRL = guy in real life :roll_eyes:

okay 800g I can believe and is reasonable as is 1k or 2k gold… but 5k gold that I find hard to believe.

I know multiple people including some that stream, that have that amount of gold, some people go hard, I just farmed a little bit for personal needs, but for some farming gold and getting gold cap is the whole goal.

right I understand the goal of hitting gold cap, but 5k already?

You can check Ahmpy on twitch he’s at 5k as far as I know. Mages are powerful if you have the patience to learn big pulls. And he aint even really a gold farmer there are people that go a lot more ham just by playing the AH and resetting markets on tuesday/wed alone can easily make you hundreds of gold with minimal effort. I think next phase will open a lot of gold farms too, its only going to get easier ofc.

that’s great, bring up the well known names who are notorious for getting away with rulebreaking

This right here…

My biggest gripe is that people go out of their way to worry about what other people do with their time in game when it doesn’t affect them at all.

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it affects anyone who wants to farm materials to make gold, but guess those people dont matter to you and youd rather bots take over that role

Farming is against the rules in your book, now?

Your mom was breaking rules, thats how you end up being here.

Idk man, I cant take you seriously anymore. :rofl:

So ban gold buyers permanently on detection.
I guarantee you GDKPs won’t stop, because your conflation of GDKP with RMT is a fraudulent one.