GDKP in a nutshell

Goes to show how often I do them. (Never, really.)
Either way, it’s not a transaction and thus not selling.

gdkps are a service , i can assure you if the primary goal is to get loot by doing content, then gold would not be needed
just because there is a pool of gold doesn’t mean the items arent getting sold, don’t try to twist words around
i dont buy gold so i dont go to gdkps, but i know very well how they work

Your conflation of buying gold to gdkps is still nonsense.

How is it a service? Are all raiders receiving the service? Or are they providing it?

gold is loot.

not really, I also seek out guilds and people that I want to raid with and schedule times to go with them each reset and roll off the loot the way the game was meant to be played

You can’t assure me of that at all.
GDKPs incentivize players to participate throughout.
GDKPs give you something for your time if your piece doesn’t drop or you get outbid.
GDKPs give geared players a reason to do content with fresh players.
GDKPs give players the ability to earn gold income from doing content instead of farming.
For these reasons, GDKPs would continue without RMT existing at all, and you don’t need to engage in RMT to participate in GDKPs.

if you’re buying items then you’re receiving a service from the other raiders, it’s not an exclusive thing either you can be providing it that raid, do you understand what trading means?

Jesus, man. It’s a raid group. Gdkp is a loot system. There is no service provider, there are only raiders. This has nothing to do with which channel you’re advertising on. In your delusional idealism you’d still report gdkps advertising in trade regardless, again, this is all moot.

So you Need/greed your raids? That is the default loot rule ergo the one Blizzard intends people to use right?

downing content and the loot being dropped incentivizes players to participate throughout, gdkps only incentivize goldbuying so you can outbid anyone else, further discriminating from participation because if you have enough gold you can just afk.
since when do geared players need “a reason” to do content with fresh players? don’t you make new friends? or do you actively want the server and game to die.
you always get something for your time regardless in every raid, I will never run out of boiled clams because I keep getting enough from the raid to sustain my food buff the whole phase. expecting to be paid 10 quests worth of gold without ever doing a quest and relying on a potential goldbuyer is ridiculous and if blizzard wanted the game to be that way, they would’ve made the bosses drop 100 gold each at this lvl.

I wonder if he also reports people who are using LFG channel for a global chat channel because if he isn’t he is a hypocrite.

sorry that you’re breaking the rules and getting punished for it, maybe you should stop and seek help if you still don’t get it

I don’t even look at trade chat

my guild leaves group loot on like any sane player would, the only ninja I’ve seen was the one time I had to run a pug

You’re breaking the rules and not being punished for it. I’m being punished for being reported to have broken the rules, without breaking the rules. You still think you’re morally justified. You’re just a power hungry monster.

hardly anybody ever uses it as a global chat channel, there is too much illegal gdkp spam, wts summon spam, or wts boosting spam

you don’t know the rules

You’re a liar and a fool.

You dont understand gkdps man, your uneducated take and the amount of posting you do is just hilarious. The more you type the dumber you look.