GDKP in a nutshell

Organizing a raid in lfg channel is totally acceptable and not the same thing as selling a boosting service.

I can’t understand how you’re so utterly incapable of seeing the differences between simple things like this.

GDKPs aren’t trade. They’re a loot system. Everyone involved is running the raid.

You can click the flag under Xurf posts to report him for trolling, wouldn’t it be kind of ironic if the person false reporting lost to the report system himself. :smiley:

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gdkps look for “buyers” and “carries” which undoubtedly are hallmarks of a boosted service

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I have been. Others need to start doing the same on posts openly talking about, and encouraging, false reporting.

In my admittedly limited experience, GDKPs seek players who can actually contribute.
Most of the players complaining about GDKPs have gray parses.

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that is the exact opposite of my experience with GDKPs.

gdkps are trade, hence the first letter meaning GOLD, like I said earlier their primary function is to drive up RMT sales, they do that by “selling” bind on pickup items which was not intended

You can try and find a carry for your dungeon group in the lfg chat. That’s never been disallowed. You can even offer gold to a tank.

how would you know who bought gold?

Their primary function so raid members can bid on items with gold instead of relying on chance. You’re so pathetically disingenuous.

that’s not true

There’s nowhere saying this is not allowed. There’s never been anyone suspended for paying 50g for a tank to run their daily forge of souls.

that false definition is still under the jurisdiction of trade chat

GDKPs are a loot system. The primary goal is to get loot by doing content. If you don’t, you at least get some gold so your time wasn’t wasted with nothing to show for it.
You aren’t “selling” items. That would be true if only one person in the raid was receiving all the gold.
I don’t think you understand how GDKPs even work, which would explain some of your behavior. Just in case that’s what’s happening, allow me to explain:
An item you want drops. You and two others who also want that item each bid 10 gold for it. You lose the item roll, but you and the other player that didn’t win it each receive 15 gold.
No one is selling anything.

all that’s left on wotlk is seeminly goldbuyers so ofc nobody is going to report them for breaking the rules

That’s not how gdkps work?

You don’t roll. You each bid, the highest bidder gets the item and what they bid goes to a pot. The pot is split between all raiders. You don’t lose your bid if you get out bud.

Something tells me I could make enough gold in WotLK selling mats and pots to get myself into a GDKP. Probably in a few hours.
GDKPs aren’t breaking the rules. Blizzard has told you this.

You can buy a token to sell through the in game system in wotlk. They aren’t breaking the rules. They aren’t even doing RMT. You’re a fool.

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No, what is and is not allowed is up to Blizzard.

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