GDKP has ruined classic's community

Oh, I have no personal experience with it. Same as how I have no personal experience with theft or murder or any number of immoral acts. I don’t need to have personal experience with those to know they’re wrong.

Are you seriously trying to compare GDKPs to theft and murder, my lord you people are actually insane.

You’re pathetic.

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How is GDKP wrong?

See Post #3

His argument is basically, a boat was one time used to traffic drugs so all boats should be illegal.


I want to see how you came to that conclusion. Show me the path of logic.

Actually, the comparison to drug trafficking is wholly made by him, not me. It’s basically an admission that he knows exactly what the issue is and is blatantly ignoring it.

That is his argument, his only experience with GDKP’s is exactly one click bait youtube video. From that he drew the conclusion all GDKP is evil.

Just healed my first GDKP run ever. It was a lot of fun! AQ20. Just about to do ZG. Now that I know, I have a reason to run these instances where I don’t need any gear, instead of just not.

GDKP has enlivened Classic’s community!


That video involves a lot of information that can also be found on Reddit, other YouTube vids, and this forum. Folks have been talking about this for ages. The video basically repeats a lot of points that have already been made and are continually being made.

Also, why are you asking someone what their personal experience has been in an act that they obviously consider to be immoral or illegal or detrimental? That’s the comparison to theft that’s going right over your head. It’s like someone says they won’t hurt a puppy because they hate causing pain and you’re like, “What’s your personal experience with that? None? Then you can’t say anything about it.”

I’m not asking his experience with gold buying.

I asked his experience with GDKP’s :slight_smile:

He covered this in the third post made on this forum. He has referred to it several times. He is not the first person to say what he is saying. :smile:

Right and noone is denying gold buying a problem.

I’m asking his experience with GDKP’s and why he thinks the gold buying is synonymous with GDKP.

Which he can’t answer because he actually has no experience with GDKP beyond one click bait youtube video.


Third. Post. In. Thread.

I think gold cap has become my hill to die on for tbc.

Right so entirely based on one click bait you tube video.

He doesn’t read anything. He hasn’t even seen the video.

And Reddit posts. And other videos on the same subject. And other posts on this forum.

I just said this.

He’s right. You don’t read anything. You dismiss out of hand if you disagree.

Nah, this is all Blizzard’s fault for NOT doing something sooner, and faster, and reliably against the bots. Now that the bots have ruined the economy, there is no fixing it without doing a total complete wipe of all servers. Even then, with as lackluster a job that Blizzard has done to combat the problem, it will just repeat itself. Blizzard has royally screwed this up from the get go, and the increased player populations per server just exacerbates the problem further.

At this point, kicking all the bots just screws the server even more. Bots made many usually expensive items affordable to more players. When a ban wave (lol) hits, there is a temporary spike in prices for everyday raid consumes, and a skyrocketing price of the more expensive materials until they level up new bots to repeat the cycle.

This almost reads like a pro-bot post now that I think about it lol, but again this is all 100% on Blizzard screwing the pooch from the start. Had they had a proper anti-cheat from the start, GM’s to actually target bots, and not care more about profits over the health of the game, this would all be pretty much avoided. GDKP is how the average player now competes against the bots and RMT players. It’s a poopy situation I know, but it is what it is and Blizzard can’t (and likely won’t) do a damn thing about it.

How hard would it have been to have a couple GM’s just target bots all day? We the players come across them nearly daily when we go out farming ourselves. You telling me they can’t just as easily find and ban them either? They are just terrible at policing their own game. PAY ME a black lotus a day and I will ban hundreds of bots DAILY if they gave me the GM abilities to do it. BAN ME if I abuse the powers. Just one of many routes they could have taken to combat the bot problem. But nah, they basically do diddly squat then “throw us a bone” with these worthless ban waves.

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