GDKP has ruined classic's community

Sounds like a corrupt officer couldn’t meet his quota for loot-starved guinea pigs :speak_no_evil:

Yes because a lot of us do in fact run GDKP’s regularly and we aren’t seeing these astronomical sums. Which leads us to believe these are isolated events and not the norm so when people like you come in trying to claim that GDKP’s are nothing more than fronts for gold buyers it’s just not true. And we can only assume you are either incorrect or intentionally lying.


Our MoM’s went for 12k, 11k, 8.5k in our GDKP so far. I think someone spent 24k on the first Gressil. We are on a very high pop server and we’ve 15/15 the GDKP for 5 or 6 weeks. Definitely not seeing 30k trinkets, 50k weapons or anything like that.

Yeah now there is absolutely no one in the server discord or in game looking for a guild over the level of 55. The highlight of the past 7 days was a ret paladin ready to “pump” lol.

We’ve had several people quit raiding these last few weeks. Not from a lack of progress, we 15/15 Naxx the first night. US top 10. It’s the same issue that happened 15 years ago when we cleared Naxx. People saw TBC around the corner and figured it wasn’t worth putting in the hours and consumes for Naxx.

Are you sure that a big part of your problem isn’t people are quitting? Most GDKPs on my server, including the one my guild runs, is alts and a handful of clueless buyers. It’s def not pulling away from main rosters. Just a thought.

As predicted…

“Why won’t people carry me to easy free bindings, why won’t people carry me to EZ ZG idols that I hard rez, why is a GDKP pug allowed to full clear Naxx before me REEEEEEE.”

You just reek of self-entitlement and pure jealousy like all the people that try to scapegoat GDKP for their own problems.


there is 8 high profile gdkp runs that are clearing. They each get 100+ sign ups with little cross over. Even the top guild on the server is all but done raiding and partnered with another guild to hold a naxx gdkp. There is little cross over in the sign ups and there are many “mains” in these runs that we have played with in the past. Every time another one fires up the recruiting channels get quieter and quieter. The server is still sitting at the very top side of a “medium” pop server and crosses the line during prime time. Only 31 “guilds” that are 15/15 though and half of them are gdkp. The rest of us are stuck in the 12-13/15 area with 40 people if literally everyone shows up. The GM discord is the same for everyone, people leaving for gdkp. Haven’t had anyone quite raiding since shadow lands launched due to that or burn out. On the rare occasion that there is someone looking for a guild they are pounced on by 10+ guilds. Yes, I assume a lot of the gdkp runs are alts. Prior to AQ launching those alts were in guild’s filling runs. Now they are looking for a payday and no longer in the pool. Hundreds of players are keeping their lockouts open for the “chance” to get into a gold run instead of clearing content with people that care about things other than your bank roll.

A lot of these runs require every buff including WCB(alliance side), full consumes, and screen shots of your gold. You have performance minimums to get paid, minimum bids, and bidding requirements unless you are one of the 10-15 “carriers”. If you want to pay a bunch of real life money for a character that only you appreciate looking at you might as well play a mobile game.

There is no sense of community any more. GDKP runs coordinate buffs for themselves and kick “leakers” out of the discord to try and give themselves an advantage. They run DMT and charge 5g for buffs and 5g for the pot. They are literally a RMT machine running at full speed without brakes.

Wow is a guild based group game and this crap has absolutely gutted it.

I disagree. Classics community was ruined long before GDKPs were a thing. Why are they looking for the payday? Because bots have ruined farming, the economy is in a shambles. Hopefully Blizz makes fresh TBC and fixes the botting so their game is actually playable.

Added the the pile of quotes taken out of context to fit a narrative you fell for.


GDKPs are a community :slight_smile:

Most people that attend GDKPs are regulars who all know each other.

Again, clueless, baseless assumptions from you :slight_smile:

Surprise, surprise, people don’t want to be a part of some trash guild with a jackas raid leader who controls their every move in this game and basically holds them hostage by dangling loot they’ll never get in front of their face.


Join a guild then???

This is wrong

Don’t know what to tell you man. Your server sounds like s#$t. My server is a top 3 population server. More horde than alliance and we still have at least 12 guilds that i know that do 2 15/15 clear groups of Naxx a week, on Alliance side. Then there are also 5 to 7 GDKP Naxx runs that are 13/15 or better now, maybe more. You should probably transfer servers.

I certainly won’t be playing on this server in TBC!

Tibble, the people here who love GDKP are going to focus on what you said about it and ignore the core issue. They take what you are saying about GDKPs as a personal attack and will defend them to the end of time.

GDKPs are very common and aren’t going away so the best solution is to not think about them. They are very often done with alts but yes some mains have switched to them. I already said why (easy gold payouts). The people who have switched ot them with their mains are likely to take a break from WoW soon. Maybe not always, but often. I’ve seen it before.

So let’s ignore GDKPs. The core issue is your guild and server is having attrition issues with raiders. Again this is super common for where we are in the raid cycle. A few others have mentioned it. It sounds like you are the GM or officer of this guild. Having run my own raiding guild for 3 years I know it can be hard at times. What kind of methods have you used to recruit? Just looking on the discord for people is not going to work, those rarely work out. You may need to look into options such as accepting package deals, merging or possible server transfers. I’m sure you’ve thought about this stuff before and I know this situation can be stressful and I wish you the best.

Then maybe you want to look into options now and decide after Blizzcon or something when plans for TBC will probably be announced. See what your guild wants to do too.

I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were an expert at knowing what sums of gold constituted actual farming versus bought gold.

I’m sorry I don’t take click bait youtube videos as representative of the normal situation.


This is what is known as “Dismissed Out of Hand.”

No it’s what’s known as dismissing garbage when it doesn’t sync with reality.

VS you blindly accepting click bait without applying any personal experience. How many GDKP runs have you done? How many of them had items going for 198k?

You didn’t even watch it.