GDKP has ruined classic's community

You sound like someone who is too lazy to farm
i made 1500g in 2 days, found 2 lotus yesterday in an hour. Its not hard at all.

See Post #3. Thanks!


You’re average naxx raid spends 40k a night on consumes.

That’s one raid, ONE.

You are the clueless one here friend, more illicit gold goes through the AH than anywhere else, cope harder.


I do the same… my personal load of gold doesn’t bring in recruits…

I have once again what do you now understand about people buying gold for lots of things besides GDKP’s as well as the fact that a lot of people doing GDKP’s are not buying gold?

What is confusing about this to you?

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I am our guild’s MT. I don’t spend anywhere near that for a night in naxx and we are killing plenty of bosses lol

Willie the whiner, this guy makes alot of money click baiting the angry reddit mobs who love to hate and parroting their opinions.

Try coming up with something better.

How do you know this?

So you don’t buy titan flasks as your guilds MT?

Shame on you.


of course I do but I don’t waste them

I love GDKP idea except if it wasn’t for gold buyers. It would be very fun and fair that person who spent the most time farming or optimized on AH craze sell/buy win but its not the case and therefor why people complain. It does ruin Classic, you can spit and argue all you want and its the truth. I run GDKPs on my feral druid alt from time to time. I farmed and played AH at the right time and have 30k+ between my alt and main but I cant afford KISS trinket for 20k. I am on low pop server so, GDKP prices don’t go insane like on some. I can bid 2-4k max on some items but that’s it.

GDKP market would not exist in its current state if people weren’t buying gold.

One hand washes the other.

I don’t disagree there and they also wouldn’t be tearing the fabric of wow apart. Guild’s can’t sustain what RMT have brought to the game. People started taking their alts to these things but now they are taking their mains and guilds are suffering.

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So your in a casual guild that doesn’t consume?

You are in the minority friend, your average guilds MT uses 2 Titans flask each raid night.

Casters use 2 flasks of supreme power, that’s 500g in flasks alone per person each raid night.

This is even taking into account elixir of firepower, mongoose pots, greater arcane elixirs, mageblood pots, stoneshield pots, poison resistance elixirs, juju mights, frost res jujus, fort elixirs, and lets not forget how many fire/nature/shadow/arcane/frost pots people go through in raids also.

Yes, you’re average guild is absolutely spending on average 40k per raid.

If you think people are manually farming the gold for these consumes, you’re delusional.

The AH is and always will be a major source of RMT, far more so than GDKPs will ever be.

People like to point to gressil or that one time DFT when for 40k on their server, but these are all minority cases, the majority of GDKPs gear actually goes for alot cheaper, not every gdkp is filled with gold buying whales ready to drop 50k at the drop of a hat.

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Wrong, remove gold buying, GDKPs would still exist, as be just as popular as they are now.

The only difference is all the gold would be clean and player generated, that’s all.

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I’m not replying to this. I just thought it was funny.


Ah yes, two quotes taken out of context to paint a narrative that you fell for, how easily manipulated the sheep of this world are.

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May be but I would actually like if GDKP existed without gold buyers. The winner is determined who farmed the most and played AH the best. It would make people play game more and not raid log but oh well its 2021…

GDKP would still be a thing. Only instead of you crying about an item going for 198k you’d be crying about it going for 20k or whatever.