GDKP has ruined classic's community

I don’t think there is inherently anything wrong with gdkp runs, it’s still the game community coming together to do something, and “buying” gear with gold has always been a thing. I have added a lot of friends via them, which I would argue is much more in spirit of an MMO than the other raid systems added later on down the line. Most of the people seemingly go to them to get gold for consumes or to save up for the ZG mount. I have been in two runs there is a clear whale, the rest of the bidding has all been realistic and reasonable. If all bots were banned, gdkps would still happen, it’s just the pot would be smaller, as it’s a popular format because you either walk out with gear or gold, some people do not like risking walking out with nothing which can happen with softres/open roll runs.

I don’t think there is inherently anything wrong with throwing a cigarette butt out my car window either.

…but if there’s a crowd people on the sidewalk nearby, well…

How does that comparison make any sense? One is a loot system, the other is how to dispose of cigarettes. Please tell me, I am trying to understand, the two don’t seem related at all.

Just because something isn’t inherently wrong doesn’t mean it’s not harmful under particular circumstances.

Drinking alcohol isn’t inherently wrong, for instance. However, you shouldn’t drink and drive.

it’s an interesting incentive to keep people doing older content, easily gear up alts, and make it easier for players to catch up, but on the other hand it promotes gold buying and soft res/ms>os runs can’t compete. there’s a lot of guilds opting to run GDKP for AQ/BWL/MC rather than doing guild runs, alt runs, and non-gdkp pugs

Why do people need an incentive to play this game other than to play the game? I do not understand this train of thought. It runs along the same lines of boosting. You’re paying other people to play the game for you until you reach a level where you’re paying people to farm gear for you.

At what point are these people going to start playing the game themselves?

This is why we should have a gold cap of ~50k any store of value above that should be forced to be in rare items and thus a speculative move on the part of richer players, redistribute the wealth.

Oh, I think the gold cap should be far, far lower than that. Like, try 6k per account. That way you’ll be able to afford your Epic Flying and have some leftover. Additionally, set a limit for how many items you can post on the AH at any given time.


GDKP is tied to gold buying. What a wreck this game has become. I need WA (Warcraft Anonymous) so I get some reinforcement to get away from this endless money pit of a game. Just got a new PC so hopefully I can slow my play. $ = winning. You can raid with top progression guilds. When the whole Gallywix deal went down, “Big Dumb Guild” denied selling endgame runs for $. Well, I was on Horde Illidan and raided with Astromigos (which became BDG) in Mists as Dhobbs the GM at the time would rotate players in for $. IDC what anyone says. Many of them ran a program called Honorbuddy and 100% stayed under the radar. High end guilds are botting AND rotating players in for runs for gold or $. If they get the gold, they say screw the token and sell it at a low premium because they are getting a solid stream of gold. They will defend themselves, but I have witnessed this play from the inside. And you think some repeat GDKP runners aren’t up to RMT exchanges? GDKP organizers surely do it! If you have the dough, you can run with the best. WoW has become pay to play. Period.

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Mobikon. right on as usual.

At no point. Good topic.


The 6k limit, what about if you want to purchase flying on alts? Maybe ~25k

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Human nature dictates that people will do what is easy.
Anonymity lets people do amoral things guilt free.

A company like activision wants your money and designs their games like a casino.

If you want to have fun and enjoy gaming, get out of mmo’s.

wow itself, soon as you log in, is ALL GDKP.

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6k would be more than enough to start with to buy epic flying for 10 toons. You need to start with about 500g to have enough at 70 or shortly after. If you decide to fully dungeon level without questing that’s on you. If you have a gathering profession its even less.

Its hard to invest in a conversation when the person youre conversating with (you) doesnt know what theyre talking about but will die on that hill regardless. Youre not open to having your mind changed regardless of how much logic and evidence is provided for you.

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How do you know that none of the 39 players you raid with weekly in your guild runs havent bought gold?

You dont.

Youre gonna have to quit raiding with them because of this. Ban GDKP! Ban Enigmatics guild!

It absolutely would exist, because gdkp doesnt depend on gold buyers to exist.

How do you not see this?

Instead of items going for 1000s of gold they would go for 100s of gold. Without bots and gold buying GDKP would still be alive and well.

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because there’s no reason to walk into molten core on my main, it’s not exactly an exciting instance after doing it every week since it came out. GDKP has problems but it also gives players who don’t need loot a reason to raid. since it’s drawing in geared players, the runs tend to be smoother than the average pug as well. you’re essentially asking why players want to be rewarded.

Did you really just cite an article from someone who, like you, doesnt know what theyre talking about. Wow lol

Change my mind.

Just posting, “You don’t know what you’re talking about” and saying nothing else of note isn’t going to change my mind.