GDKP has ruined classic's community

Wholeheartedly DISAGREE with this, 1000%. There ARE players out there who have openly admitted to NOT wanting to even LEVEL. That’s an EASY incentive, RIGHT THERE to Bot. Botting is NOT used exclusively for GDKP. Getting rid of GDKP does NOT “free” us from Gold Buying and/or Bots. Period.

How would you even stop GDKP from existing? You’d have to stop all raiding to achieve that. There’s no real mechanism to prevent it from occurring. It’s also been a thing since original vanilla. We were just bad at making money back then.

Weird I didn’t realize the only thing in classic to use gold for was GDKP.

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Or, that Botting is used exclusively for Gold purposes :roll_eyes:

There’s such a thing as Leveling Bots, too.

LOL no.


There’s nothing wrong with GDKP it’s just a smart way for raiders to make gold to afford consumables, people have been doing this forever in retail with carries and mount sales.

I think we’ve already lost a bunch of players to this already. I know quite a few people who I played with during Phases 1-4 and they left because they couldn’t farm like they used to. They couldn’t form groups like they used to. Everything got way too expensive and the only way they could afford what they needed was to A) buy the gold online or B) do GDKP runs.

Considering the bulk of information out there about how GDKP is indirectly fed by the bot market, the decision made itself. They quit.

I, for one, would love to do Naxx with my guild but, unfortunately, choosing to play the non-GDKP way or straight-up purchasing gold online are not options I want to take. I know that doing either screws the average players and gives them bad incentives too.

Again, folks who say there’s nothing wrong with GDKP cannot see the forest for the trees. They don’t understand how their continually relying on GDKP as a source of income actually gives the bot-makers a reason to continue what they’re doing.

Blizzard is not to blame for bots. Players are.

No blizzard is to blame, they could be doing far more to ban bots.

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Need fresh servers. Too much gold exists and there are not enough sinks.

Goldsellers advertise on youtube and facebook openly. This batch of legacy servers is tainted by raid xp bugs and layers abused by mutliboxxers and botters.

Fresh with a community that works against bots HARD from the start, have some addons be made that scan and work together.

The community has to solve this on their own.

So, here’s some more information about GDKP ruins server economy:

If you’re doing GDKP, you need to have enough money to pay for the drops you want and to get lucky with drops. GDKP is seen by some as better than guild loot rules since guilds are compelled to use rules that benefit the group over the individual. GDKP rewards the individual for doing two things: Being present and having gold. That’s it.

With GDKP, you can “buy” coveted items such as Band of Accuria, DFT, or even the Bindings of the Windseeker.

However, suppose you don’t need anything. Well, you can attend GDKP runs and receive a handout at the end of the run. That handout is distributed to multiple people and that gold is then put into the server’s general economy.

This is where problems begin to arise.

If you’ve ever wondered why prices become inflated it’s because GDKPs are being concluded and, somehow, a bunch of people have that much more gold to spend. Nobody asks where that gold came from.

Since nobody concerns themselves where that gold came from, nobody cares as long as their wallet is stocked, right? So, the guy who bid for DFT…did he farm the gold or did he buy it? Well, nobody really cares because everyone just wants a handout. Then these people go out to farm herbs and they see bots and they start cursing Blizzard. If those bots never existed, however, that player would have gotten a much smaller handout at the end of the GDKP.

I don’t think this will happen. The community has shown they care more about stocking their own wallets than they do preserving any community feel the game would otherwise have.

GDKP has essentially turned Classic’s end-game into an alternative auction house for loot rather than a means of testing your skill and ability to function as a group.

Essentially, Scarab Lords are meaningless because even as some players and guilds may have earned them in Classic, alternatively there were others who just bought them. Same with Thunderfury and Sulfuron. It used to be about forming a tight-knit group with a common goal. Now it’s about how much gold every individual player can throw at a problem until they “win.”


This is what GDKP people say when they wanna deflect the blame, even though they’re essentially benefiting from the system.

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How is blaming blizzard for refusing to deal with bots deflecting blame?


Shouldn’t say this. Then they’ll be like, “Oh, but gold comes from quests and vendors and stuff…” all over again.

Bots vendor stuff from quests and vendors too. This must mean that bots are okay, right? Because they earned their gold just like every other player, right?

Loot isn’t a bribe dude. You give loot to players who are a net benefit to the raid, not as a bribe to stay.

If you can’t handle going more than 5 weeks without loot you are a liability.

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your parses are abysmal. i appreciate your input though.

Do you even know how to look at a healing log?

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“merp be derp mer be derp mer berp >:(”

im not one to rip on a creative loot system, as 39 other attendees also have to agree to the rules before hand…

but all 39 are agreeing to leech of the 1 gold buyer to get rich, and they enjoy it.

if you dont like GDKP by all means go out and host your own raid with your own rules.

ultimately we have a large portion of the playerbase ok with GDKPs conditionally they benefit from them. and people are happy to run and support 2 or 3 other runs on alts so it feeds the one main a ton of gold. in a way its similar to split runs.

but if you want to ban large scale transactions thatd be ok too, by all means trace mailbox/ah spending and punish people for buying/selling 1000g bread.

Careful, you might break him.