GDKP has ruined classic's community

Play on a better server.

I will take this useful information under advisement.

Ok let’s say you get to decide and you want to ban GDKP runs.
How do you ban them?

Sorry guys no more pug raids allowed?

We will hire a huge team of GM’s to look for GDKP talk in raid chats?
(Discord could just be used for that instead, or hey why don’t you have those GM people out there in the world banning bots which is the ultimate root cause issue of RMT’s ?)

The only way to get rid of GDKP runs is personal loot that can’t be traded.

How about getting at the root cause by getting rid of the people selling and buying gold instead ?

Just put him/her on ignore and move on.
You cannot convince a know it all of anything.
It’s not worth reading what they type in threads like this.

It takes A LOT for me to put somebody on my “Ignore” list. A mere disagreement isn’t enough of a reason (for ME) to be putting everybody I disagree with, on ignore.

That’s the thing. I don’t think they “know it all” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

And, it’s not really about convincing THEM, per se. There’s a larger audience than just the people making and creating posts, that I’m “catering” to, as well. Their support matters equally as much.

Perhaps, not to you. For me, it is because I find it comical LOL

I never claimed to be a NICE person :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

You flag large gold trades and high volumes of gear/gold trades and you review them. It wouldn’t take long to weed them out. Obviously they also need to go after RMT as well. It is on blizzard to fix what they’ve allowed to happen.

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also known as “you aint gettin loot”

If you’re in crap gear, you are on teh GDKP to buy gear, not make gold and get carried. A “hard carry” player does not earn gold in these. Especially in Naxx.

Never once been my experience in any guild regardless of position in the guild

Which is why I wouldn’t bring an alt to such a run because being cut out of the pot because some goober brought his 8/8 T3 Rogue to BWL with WCB and SF is idiotic. Same with avoiding runs where the organizer takes some huge cut of the total at the end.

one time i was with a guild for 5 weeks, topping healing charts and never once did i receive any loot. then they kicked me after calling me a loot goblin. let me find you the video of the gm kicking me one sec

You probably weren’t assigned to heal warlocks… I would have kicked you too!

You quit and then came back and tried to bribe the GM for loot, didn’t participate in the conversation other than some sketchy remarks. You even said you were trying to get loot! You then lied about why you were gone… I would have kicked you and added you to the server blacklist lol

eh i guess thats why youre level 22

Very compelling argument. I love it, when the conversation diverts away from the actual discussion at hand and turns into conversations about one’s character. I learn so much from those :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Make the advertisements reportable.

No, this won’t stop them from happening entirely, but it’ll be a move in the right direction and it’ll leave LFG free from their advertisements and encourage people to use LFG for it’s original intended purposes.

Another suggestion people have made is to set a particular cap to the amount gold any person can have on any given account. Now a problem with that is that people can start trading “goods” as a service rather than gold (i.e. a stack of Black Lotus instead of 2000g). But still, this makes things more difficult and therefore would be a step in the right direction.

From what I’ve read, private servers did this. There was a lot more hands-on in the day-to-day goings on. In a way, the dishonest brokers who would inflate the bidding prices were compelled not to do so because they knew they were being watched.

If you think that’s ridiculous, realize Blizzard is also heavily involved in the moderation of Twitch and some Twitch streamers have been caught and entire guilds have been banned for buying gold.

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Sounds like you bribed him. Not saying that’s what happened. Just saying, listening to his point of view, you were bribing him with Arcane Crystals so he’d be incentivized to get you the loot you wanted.

And good on him for doing that, by the way. Plus his stance on how you “lost interest” and then suddenly came back. Like, he basically told you that you were unreliable. Why would he give you loot if he knows you could flake at any time?

I’m level 60. I agree with him.

What now?

They let me fund my raid consumes by clearing content our guild no longer runs. Its a very time efficient farm to any geared player, and its the only incentive outside of helping your own guildies gear up to raid zones you need nothing from.