GDKP has ruined classic's community

There’s several links provided by the post. The reddit post underneath wasn’t even related to the wowhead article either. You didn’t read them, otherwise you’d have known this. You’re not invested in anything but your own opinion on the matter.

Dismissal out of hand.

I don’t need to steal things in order to understand theft is wrong.

Pro tip, noone is saying buying gold isn’t wrong.


And they all amount to nothing substantial.

  • The Reddit post declares GDKPs as a clearing house for RMT because fresh 60’s are paying top dollar for BiS or near BiS items out of MC/BWL/AQ40. No further speculation is even offered, it just assumes these are literally fresh 60’s that are mains, not alts, and that the gold must be RMT sourced. Further it concludes because of single digit anecdotes that GDKPs are overwhelmingly tainted with RMT. This is tripe.
  • The other links in the WoWHead post are irrelevant to the GDKP = RMT claim. They link to yet another Chinese based Reddit post that is about lack of bot control in Chinese servers which has nothing to do with Classic GDKP. They link to how much gold various guilds spent to push through prior Retail raid content, which also has nothing to do with Classic GDKP. They link an article on what DKP actually means, which again, has nothing to do with anything.

The entire post derives its rancor for GDKP from a single Reddit post, which gets its own dislike for GDKP from a singular set of examples that aren’t even RMT.

This is tripe.

The Reddit post you linked is the same Reddit post provided in the WoWHead article that they cite from!!

Holy crap you can’t be this dense. They even cite the name, oldeasysleepyhero, and quote it block by block.

Posting the same thing twice warrants quick dismissal.

So you have zero idea how GDKPs work, believe they are theft without warrant, and think you can opine on how they should or shouldn’t operate?

There are flat-earthers with less overt bias than you.


No idea what he’s talking about.

That wowhead post linked to a Vice article, not a Reddit article. Strange…

It’s just blatant dishonesty.

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Links in the WoWHead article in order of appearance:

  • <— Prior WoWHead article about Chinese RMT
  • <— Reddit post they source everything from
  • <— Definition of DKP
  • <— Prior WoWHead article about how much gold Method spent on raiding
  • <— Twitter link about how much gold Limit spent on raiding
  • <— Vice article about RMT across all games, not just WoW
  • Original Reddit post three more times
  • <— More Chinese RMT related to Diablo 3

You’re both bad trolls. Or more likely, you’re both the same troll being very openly bad at this…


Have you not seen the videos of bots fly hacking or teleporting underneath the map?

I’ve seen what’s been expressed to be a “bot”, in a video, in videos, yes. My actual game experience, I have not (as in Bots specifically fly hacking and/or underneath the floor). I’ve seen mindless drones (a.k.a. Bots) repetitively making perfect circles, round and round, killing the same mobs, over and over, again with perfect synchronized eating and drinking (without actually fly hacking nor underneath the floors/map). Rinse and repeat. I have seen some mobs inside trees (via their trunks) and underneath floors/map, though. With the occasional flying mob (that’s not an actual flying mob), fly hacking towards my general direction.

I love how most if not all Piper’s responses amount to, basically, “I’m ignorant of all of this which means it doesn’t affect me.”

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I love how some (not all) of certain particular posters only select what they actually read and warp it into something else, in order to fit their narrative. Clearly missing key components, such as:

But, you know…that’s Bots “not existing”, apparently :roll_eyes:

there are a LOT of low pop servers with no gdkp going on. Join one of those or stop complaining.


Yep. I was going to ignore this comment from Summonok since it’s not relevant to GDKP really but you mentioned it.

Yeah, bots are in the open world. They always have been. The fly hacking bots etc (which are fairly new) are all over the place and are real, I’ve seen it personally on my server as have many other players.

I also farmed a quite a bit of honor from bots when I was ranking. The thing is you kill them and they come back so it’s irrelevant if you’re on a PVP server (that comment was weird - bots don’t care if they die and most people don’t care enough to do stuff like mind control them into the middle of a lake or kill their pets over and over). They’d be out there in groups of 10 on the Azshara beaches etc. In Deadwind pass. Just all over the place. It got so bad at one point that they’d be in questing areas like where you get the dew gland.

Anyone who says that bots are not (or at least were) not in the open world, well that makes me think they are the type of player who just sits in instances and in capital cities and does not get out and run around. It’s either that or they’re ignorant on what a bot looks like and how it acts.


I would hate to be a new player coming to the game right now.


Why? Join a guild like most of us and start doing runs, but if you can’t, join one of the countless Soft-Reserve or GDKP runs and get cracking. You probably won’t be able to buy anything the first week or two, but then again, who gets raid loot the first week of being 60 anyway?

Can just do the modest ones at first as well, like MC/BWL, build up a set for cheap (40-80g per piece or less is nothing) and be ready for AQ40/Naxx GDKPs in a month or so, using the raiding setups as both fuel for gold and for gear.

How is this bad?

Im using your post as example. Not aimed at you.

This right there spells broken system. What if the warriorbro guy didnt want the item, but he wanted more gold at end of his run. All that player has to do is drive the price up. Now that player gets more gold. That scenario spells broken system.

Scenario B
Im going to use my self as example. I have a lvl 60 warrior with 140g in my account. No guild and all i see is spam of gdkp and wtb/wts boosts. How does one(me) gets to move on in progress with out gold and even one spam of guild recruitment. I get that low pop server has less of this spam. But it kinda too late for me since i been on this server since classic started.

What if one has more gold in their account, that one player has way bigger adavantage to get that item.

System made by rich players for rich players to use community for their gain. So like OP said. It hurts community. If one does not see that, well that just tells me they are involved in this scam.


You are assuming the guild wants to carry you and feed you gear at this stage of the game. Secondly, if you are a new player, you probably don’t have much gold to be considered a good buyer for anything besides mc. So you are hoping a gdkp will take you when you have crap gear and minimal gold. Then you are hoping that the gear that you can afford drops and you don’t get out bid by a richer alt of someone else’s. Unless you level a mage and boost people, it will be challenging to keep up with today’s level of gold inflation.

At this point in the game, it’s very hard to gear up for naxx quickly unless you have friends in high places or buy a ton of gold. Which is why being a new player can be very daunting.

That’s one of the things I posted as well.

Players do this all the time and have done it for a long time. The funny thing is, the person being carried will have no idea about it. They also did this on private servers (the Kronos example above) and they do it here.

I suspect this is why a lot of folks really try to fight anyone who shows just how much of a scam GDKP really is. A lot of people engaged in the scam don’t want the scam to be found out (probably like the guy you responded to).

It is a system completely invented by players with no GM oversight that can artificially run up the prices of some items in the pool.

sorry whats GDKP stand for?

Or…wild thought. Join one of many soft res pugs.

Then he runs the risk of winning the item if I don’t push it up any further. I set clear cut-offs for myself often and I’ve yet see anyone buy something and then regret it because they were just bidding someone up.

It is the same risk of a traditional DKP bidding. Someone trying to make a competitor for an item run up the bidding was and is still a thing (if anyone still uses DKP that is), and it carries the same risk.

People certainly do bid people up somewhat, but most of it is indistinguishable from two people just bidding each other up until someone finally quits.

Go to MC, ZG, BWL, Ony, and AQ20 GDKPs if you have no means of acquiring gold. 140g is nothing even by Vanilla standards as you earn hundreds of gold by just leveling the “normal” way via questing. If you don’t blow your load on juicy AH items while leveling, you can end up with 600-750g easy just by hitting 60. But let’s say you bought your epic mount already and now are just strapped for cash… fine. Go to a easy tier GDKP.

You aren’t likely to snag many/any upgrades your first run or two because:

  • A - you don’t have much money to bid with
  • B- the run could very well drop nothing you really want

Go have fun in ZG, pass the Hakkari Idols to the crazies trying to enchant their newly acquired Tier 3, and pick up an easy 80g+ at the end.

Go do MC and scoop up some T1 for 20-40g.

You’re not forbidden from these runs. Go. Join the community. Have fun.

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