GDKP has ruined classic's community

Bots bots bots, gold buying and inflated AH turns any honest player away.

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What happen in classic wow. I remeber game used to be fun playing with people. Now you have to play gold to some Jon Doe to get loot? Its used be a community effort, now its sounds like it nothing but gold market.

Just play the game. You should be happy that you got into a raid. Feels like the world wants more for noting.
Sad to hear wow classic been destroyed by greed.

Join a soft res raid? I’m on one of the smallest servers in the game and we have soft res raids. Either do that or GDKPs or don’t raid

Your choice, but not having a guild isn’t an argument against GDKPs. People aren’t forced to bow to your will. They make their groups under their rules and are more than welcome to do that

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Nope, you simply join a group/guild not running GDKP.

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Please tell me this is some kind of joke :joy:

A retail player trying to pity WoW classic and WoW classic players when retail has WoW tokens, and is overrun with microtransactions and paid carries for everything :rofl:

Yeah, I think this is what some people mean when they talk about GDKPs not lending to the community. Not having to be part of the community (in a guild etc) to raid isn’t a Classic thing, it’s a retail mindset. That sounds more like your sort of game since retail is great for anti-social solo types.

… and as a comment in general it’s funny to see the people in here attacking loot council and saying why that makes GDKP good. There are plenty of guilds with normal DKP systems etc. I get whatever I want based on my participating in raids, but I also think about others in the guild and will pass on things because I’m playing with friends. It’s not all about myself.

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I fall in this category. Though, I chuckle at the choice of word “luck”, but I digress. I couldn’t care less about players wasting gold on Gear that means absolutely NOTHING :roll_eyes:

LOL at “problem”. I don’t find it to be a “problem” not having to abide by arbitrary rules, in order to develop extra Reputation, than I already do, into a Guild with too many “high” (I use this term loosely) expectations.

I’m free of abiding by any sort of arbitrary WB Meta, Min/Max Meta, scheduled play time (the ones that “require” you to log in ONCE, in X amount of time, or you’ll be kicked!) in a VIDEO GAME, etc. No thanks. I just want to play a game. I don’t need my characters to sit in fancy purple lootz in order to accomplish that :+1:

You sure make an a** out of your self for assuming!

That was not my point. GG

Assuming what?

You’re posting on a max lvl retail char throwing stones in a glass house what is there to assume?

You don’t like GDKP don’t join GDKP groups, this isn’t rocket science.

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Not my point. Im just simply staying how community changed. And what diffrance it makes if i play retail or classic. What do you know how i spend my wow time. Maybe i do have max classic toon. What do you know.


Wrong right out the gate. One way players will try to earn gold is to rely on GDKP runs. Remaining competitive isn’t even a factor here unless you’re trying to accrue enough gold to compete in the GDKP run itself for items that are hotly contested.

Which means literally everyone is a “mule” according to your prior usage, which makes this whole diatribe pretty pointless.

This is asinine. Gold can’t be checked, the AH is largely anonymous and always has been, and we aren’t cops. By your own admission, there isn’t a single stage of the typical market that isn’t tainted by bots and any who involve themselves in such transactions are apparently selfish according to you.

Your entire argument is that the illicit gold is there, and in your opinion GDKPs are a major clearing house for bot gold, more so than every other form of gold transaction, so while your argument literally applies to every kind of gold transaction you will single out GDKPs because “people are greedy”

This post is tripe.


You… you have no idea what a GDKP is do you?

GDKP runs are those where when items drop, the Master Looter starts bids on the item, just like an old-school DKP run, except instead of using DKP for bidding that are unique to the guild and subject to whatever rules and restrictions the Guild Leader may apply, in GDKP runs you bid with gold. For an example using the AQ40 GDKP I’ve run with for months now:

  • Prophet Skeram dies and drops [Cloak of Concentrated Hatred]
  • ML starts the bidding at 80g, all bids must be divisible by 20g
  • Fasc puts in an opening bid of 200g
  • WarriorBro not wishing to screw around bids 1000g
  • Fasc bids 1100g
  • WarriorBro bids 1500g
  • Fasc bids 1700g
  • WarriorBro hesitates awhile and bids 1800g
  • Fasc bids 2000g
  • WarriorBro passes
  • Fasc pays RL 2000g and receives item


  • C’thun is dead, his loot has been bid on
  • Any remaining trash loot, idols, other random stuff is bid on
  • ML tallies up the total gold pot from all successful bids, showing a pot of 24,000g
  • ML splits the pot 40 ways, each player receives 600g at the end of the run
  • Fasc, having spent 2k gold but getting 600g back at the end, only spent 1400g for an exceptionally good cloak
  • Fasc, coming back the next week but having no items to bid on, simply earns 500g from the pot that week
  • Fasc, coming back the week after next week, but again having no items to bid on, simply earns 550g from the pot that week

This is why people run GDKPs. It gives you access to gear you might not freely get because of guild decisions/issues (lack of skill, dropped that raid from rotation, your class has been restricted, etc), and it gives you gold otherwise for doing a run that you’d probably want to do anyway.

I ran AQ40 every week, full clear, from the first week it opened on Fairbanks. I didn’t see my shoulders off of Fankriss until two weeks ago where I got them for 100g in a GDKP because my guild only focuses on Naxx now.


There is nothing wrong with Gdkp. It’s fair without any corruption, drama, exploit, or wastage. It is also the only loot system for the hybrid class to quickly gear up their offspecs. Most DKP/LC/SR prioritises MS over OS, favouring the pure DPS class. For example, paladins who want the T2.5 token have to wait after all the rogues and warriors.

Some people pay gold to get loots, then the gold is split among raiders. Your buying power increases every week, just like any point-based system. Raiders also have the opportunity to improve their bidding budget by farming and playing the game.

I do make friends in those Gdkp that I joined. Most of the time, there are some core members in each Gdkp raid with new visitors every week. It’s like a normal UBRS PUG during phase 4 when I started.

In short, it’s just a way to organise PUG raids, no value is destroyed in those raids. The problem is about RMT, not Gdkp system.

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wowhead disagrees:

Also, this:

How could you possibly even know this?

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You dont have to write all out. I get it bud.

I was just simply stating that community is so much different to what it used to be back in day.

Neither of these posts actually disagree with what I said. I never said botting wasn’t a problem, I called the conclusion that people aren’t doing enough personal responsibility to avoid RMT gold to be tripe.

Oh and the WoWHead post just draws conclusions from the Reddit post which just asserts things as fact without any sort of support or backing.


Because that’s how GDKP’s operate. You really should do GDKPs to understand what’s going on.

You clearly didn’t when you incredulously asked why people were paying someone to get an item…

It hasn’t changed an iota. The only difference now is that a few ridiculously self-important Guild Leaders can’t lord over the rest of the server exclusive access to certain bosses or instances. People in WoW have always been driven to improve their character regardless of socially constructed means, to include putting up with very abusive RL’s and asinine DKP systems and absurd loot council decisions.

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I played since release and it was different. You’re right. Anyone who says the game is the same I question if they played Vanilla at all.

On the other hand, most people back then didn’t get to see Naxx because you had to be in the right guild already or guild hop from a less progressed guild for the most part. So there’s that. There are a lot more options these days, which is good and in that way raiding is more inclusive.

There are also a ton of guild options out there for anyone who doesn’t want to participate in GKDPs. You don’t need to rely on gold from them either. You just farm for things, consumes etc and that’s not difficult typically.

I’m not really big into this phase of Classic where people are mostly bored so it’s all about boosting alts and then doing GDKPs on them, and other things like that since there isn’t much else left to do. I’ve been raid logging more since I’m not into it.