GDKP: Ban or no ban? (Should GDKP be against the TOS?)

GDKP have killed any incentive to join or socialize in any type of guild raiding and turns the end game into a single player anti social event where all your interaction is coming from typing “5g” into the chat window.


LoL what? wtf are you on
I expressed how bots farming mats, for the purpose of selling gold, all of which is driven by GDKP, ruins the market for legit farmers of said mats.

Now what was I supposed to explain again?

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Any more cool buzzwords or terms that you would like to regurgitate?

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You explained it just how I led you into it.

Thanks for showing us all that it’s actually the bots problem and that’s the issue.

None of those are really buzzwords.

Now you’re performing damage control.
You did nothing of the sort.

Sure I did I got him to admit that it’s actually the bots and that’s the real issue here.

Easiest checkmate of my life

Wait is checkmate a buzzword also?

So you agree?

I agree that gdkp does nothing to the market and the thing that’s actually deflating gold on farming materials to make gold is bots.

Gdkp’s have nothing to do with bots.

People know the truth, it’s not hard to grasp.

These are your death throes. I understand.

I have been doing gdkp’s since classic launches.

You’re crying and misunderstanding of the situation is irrelevant.

Still here still doing gdkps.

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Death throes I tell ya.

Bots and gdkps aren’t mutually inclusive.

In your perfect world you could get rid of all bots and all gold sellers and I would still be doing gdkps.

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I know.

Seriously tho, what would the average pot look like in a GDKP if bots/RMT/token wasn’t a thing?

Be honest.

It would be so significantly less that I think it’s even impossible to judge.

That’s irrelevant.

The spending power of that gold would be the exact same as it is now tho.

Oh man, this level of seethe is refreshing to wake up to. Gdkp will never, ever be banned.

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Exactly, and so too would be the people that elect not to do GDKP.

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These type of statements always age well.

This one will! You will never be able to impact my ability to run it. If blizzard tried something we would simply adjust. Been selling loot for gold since late 05’ and have never bought gold. Stay seething.

Gold is largely irrelevant outside of gdkp.

You get like a 140 gold for doing an 8 minute dungeon run everyday per character.

Consumables are dirt cheap