GDKP: Ban or no ban? (Should GDKP be against the TOS?)

Would it though?

you are assuming that a sizable chunk of the playerbase buys gold rather then a minority.

you are also assuming the people would get into a bidding war over an item at least two gold buyers both need and raise the price to a high price.

you are also assuming that people who earned gold legitimatly whould not be able to get that amount of gold to be in the running.

at the end of the day I think it wouldn’t affect pot size at all, just who the pot goes to.

it’s true though.

can you imagine the absolute poo flinging mess that would occur if blizzard came out and said “new in the TOS: you are now not allowed to use in game currency, items or other resources as part of loot distribution for in game items”

like, actually put down your emotional, mouth frothing, hyperbolic (and almost entirely incorrectly) hateful assumptions over GDKP for a moment, and think about how on earth such a dumb rule would be implemented and enforced to achieve the outcome that you want.

Then, even if you can come up with some framework for such an outcome, do you really want blizzard to devote the minuscule resources they have away from policing bots and RMT to try and police in game, player driven loot systems using in game resources within raids too?

anyone calling for a GDKP ban is incredibly low IQ

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Lfm ICC 12/12H gdkp.

Oh sorry wrong channel. None of you can kill heroic LK.


Why do people associate GDKP with RMT, but not the auction house? Both GDKP and the AH are ways to exchange gold for gear. BoEs have been around forever being sold on the AH for gold.

GDKP is easily the number one thing that should be out right banned in SoD

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People like to have a boogey man to blame, GDKPs are visible and easily associated with a single individual (the guy administrating it).

AH is full of botted items, prices inflated by gold injection botting and other prices heavily deflated by botted oversupply. But, it’s not very visible and hard to single out the blame.

i like gdkps as someone who doesnt buy gold. i just carry them to get gold and i like how it effects the economy. everything is so cheap bc supply is so high due to bots.

bidding is more exciting than rolls and i’ve noticed gdkp groups need way less hand holding while clearing the raid. far more enjoyable.

wow. im so glad you believe your peoples stories who bought goldf on how they got their bought gold

dont care
ban gdkps


you’re super smart bro

im so glad you can misquote me

dont care
ban gdkps

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it’s a simple summary of your dismissive comments.

i am one of the people mentioned in that list, on wotlk i have 300k gold sitting in bags and have never RMT’d.

Are you calling me a liar?

wow, im so impressed by your gold you got from gdkps from people who bought gold

dont care
ban gdkps.

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i got my gold from AH flipping you dunce, you didn’t even ask, just jumped straight to a dumb conclusion.

wow, im so shocked by your constant shilling and defensiveness of gdkps that inflate the market which helps you “make” gold from the ah

dont care
ban gdkps

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i made my gold from market prices influenced by botting.
i don’t know how GDKP impacts the supply and price of raw materials such as ore and leather, can you enlighten me?

gdkp does not create any gold, but you already know this right?

imagine my constant shock from your attitude and defensiveness of your primary way to “make” gold

dont care
ban gdkps

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imagine my shock that you make yet another dumb, uninformative and evasive comment followed by:

dont care
ban gdkps


ban gdkps

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They will never be banned.

Keep screeching into the sky.

I feel bad for the birds.

i know they will never be banned. blizzard wants people buying gold so they have future incentive to add the wow token to seasons

dont care
ban gdkps

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