GDKP: Ban or no ban? (Should GDKP be against the TOS?)

Lmao, no there was always a pile of afks in any SR I went to during TBC or Classic for the last 4 years. It attracts them in mass.


bro SR runs attract some of the absolute bottom of the barrel effort, low skill, zero investment players.

Why? because there is essentially no downside to them underperforming, especially after their SR is gone.
Some will straight up AFK or even leave if their SR is lost or doesn’t drop.
This never happens in GDKP, everyone is incentivized to stay for the entire run and concentrate for the entire thing.

People forget SR caused the rise of gdkp for the exact reasons you stated lol. Anyone who had to pug on an alt in classic experienced this and hell even reddit was full of posts complaining about these exact things.

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It should be against tos, I’ll continue to spam report them for gold buying. The best way to run raids is get into a core raid team, and it always will be, unless you buy gold, and even if you rmt, being in raid group 1 still probably better.


But that’s the exact reason the whale will keep getting invited, they will always have the massive amounts of gold because they are known for it, so it will always be a problem. A good dps that pulls his weight should be prio first over any gold whale that’s just along for the ride. Sure the guy who pulls his weight could be BiS after a few months, but their is also the possibility of never getting those items if their are new whales every run needing the same items.

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“i report people for buying gold because they attend a raid i don’t like”
“i am very smart”


GDKP is actually super based conceptually, it’s just tainted due to the lack of WoW token causing it to be a vehicle for washing illegal gold.

One day, maybe, people will get over their anti-token nonsense and embrace the full potential of SoD. Until then, every camp in the game and every instance will be botted and GDKP will remain a tainted activity.

Conceptually, GDKP is fine for those that like that concept but as everyone knows, this has encouraged massive gold buying and inflation. This impacts all players.

On Classic Era, which I just started playing again last week, I made hundreds of gold selling low level crafting material on the AH. It takes away from the gold struggle that partly defined Vanilla.

It’s a shame that so many players are dregs that buy gold.

The solution to RMT isn’t introducing approved RMT. Punishing RMT is the solution to RMT.

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It is though. I don’t know the last time I’ve seen a bot on Retail. 1/3 of the SoD playerbase is bots it is so out of control.

The reason SoD has more botters is likely due to only eneding to spend $15/month, rather than the investment required for retail, and if you want to tell me that gold buying isn’t a thing on retail, you’re just lying outright.

Tokens will not and can not alleviate problems RMT introduces to server economies or the GDKP laundering scourge, though I actually agree with you that GDKP groups can be a positive thing without RMT.

It’s certainly A reason but I don’t agree it is THE reason. Gold bots are economical on SoF and are not on Retail. The box price is one factor, competitive pressure from the WoW token is another.

Right now bot farms have invested every square inch of Azeroth because there’s no downward pressure on gold price to force the less competitive bots out of business. So every third world or Eastern bot shop is jumping on SoD. Most would go out of business if the token was cheap enough.

I haven’t seen the hordes of bots on my server, but it’s also not going to be a big mover for them. Just how bad is it on other servers? In the first couple of weeks you’d definitely see some bot hunters around, but they didn’t stick around, at least not in any obvious way.

I think you’re absolutely right about hitting botters in the wallet, but I also think that punishing the gold buyers would have the same effect without introducing the economic problems coupled with the borderline sanctioned p2w that token+GDKPs have the potential of becoming. That’s entirely speculative, though, as I don’t have any numbers to work with.

GDKPs = RMT. Any argument that it is not is long dead. No one is being fooled in 2024.

Everyone who engages in RMT should be banned.


Almost literally anything I can think to do already has multiple bots on every layer doing it. Every mob camp. And if you mess with the bots they’re scripted to Mass report you to trigger automated response from Blizzard.

This is not, repeat, NOT a thing on Retail.

I guess if you aren’t 25 and haven’t seen it is hard to articulate properly to you but it is apocalyptic. Almost any solution is a good solution. You could nuke the entire game economy to kill the bots and it would be worth it.

Good lord. Assuming you aren’t exaggerating, that’s just something that I haven’t seen on my server. The most I saw were individual hunter bots. From the sound of things, I’m a lot less annoyed that premades aren’t as much of a thing on LL.

If it’s genuinely that bad then I wholly understand the willingness to introduce tokens to devalue botting.

This was on Lone Wolf.

I’m sure Crusader Strike is even worse from what I’ve heard.

Right now the only farm people agree is worth it for normal people is doing RFK because it’s instanced and bots haven’t driven the BOE value down since bots can’t solo farm it. But you need a group to do it so it isn’t something you can just do to make gold on the side.

I searched for “sod bot” on youtube.
You were right to call it “apocalyptic,” and I can absolutely sympathize with seeing tokens as a potential solution, and I can’t believe I’m saying that. I haven’t seen anything remotely that bad on LL.
I also appreciate the constructive and significantly less hostile conversation this time around, so thank you.

Yep, and it’s working.

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This whole “whale” theory is so far off the Mark.

I have been doing gdkps for all of classic

You do know good players have gold right??

There is no short supply of good players on the gdkp discords, they are all log checked and if they don’t perform they are out.

This idea that good players need bad players gold is stupid.