GDKP: Ban or no ban? (Should GDKP be against the TOS?)

It’s the other way around. GDKP exists because of RMT.

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Now i definitely know you’re trolling, thanks!

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Keep seething I guess. The truth hurts sometimes. I don’t blame you for feeling threatened when someone talks about taking your gold away.

Simply put, without RMT, not enough buyers = unsustainable business model. Not enough legit farmers out there.

Just ban gold buyers. We all know blizzard could do this, they’re just refuse to.

Everybody’s always looking for solutions to botting or RMT, meanwhile, blizzard couldn’t care less because they are profiting off these things.

GDKP can exist even if everyone only had 10g in their bags.
The loot system does not care, it’s just a system, a process, a procedure, set of rules.

you prescribe so much meaning, emotion and back story to a loot rule, it’s hilarious.

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The only possible difference getting rid of RMT would make is the size of the pot, then again it may have absolutely no effect on the size of the pot.

and I agree ban all gold buyers. You really think I want tainted gold?

I believe using gdkps is a more popular method to clean gold for smaller/individual gold sellers, as the bigger offenders aren’t as worried about getting bans because of how many botting accounts they have operating at a time. With that being said, each time the purchased gold is exchanged across multiple players, it becomes more difficult to track where exactly it came from. So gold buyers/sellers use GDKPs to layer that gold into the ‘legal’ gold that was used to purchase items.

So let’s say the gold seller wants to get his buyer 1000g without setting off any red flags. The buyer forms a GDKP and invites the seller. Now the seller is part of a group where thousands of gold is being exchanged between people’s hands, making it seem why that amount of gold is exchanged is simply a result of the loot system.

The gold buyer doesn’t even necessarily need to include this gold into the bidding of items nor the raids final cut. The gold buyer / raid leader can also just take an item that no one needed or wanted and exchange it for the gold he purchased to make it appear like it was just another item sold during the run. If the buyer and seller really want to make it look more legitimate, they can spread the dispersal of the illegal gold across multiple items.

I’m sure there are more effective ways of cleaning gold through gdkps and other means but I really don’t want to do more research into them to be able to properly explain it.

That is the ‘extra steps’ part of the ‘trading with extra steps’ comment I made earlier. Yes, they have to group together to kill content, but the primary purpose is not to achieve the goal of completing/killing the content. It is to make gold or spend it on the items that dropped. GDKPs are ultimately made to be a collection of gold transactions

because the gold laundered through the AH is much easier to track. No one is buying a gray item or a green for 1500% of the normal price when there are clearly cheaper options of the same item available unless it was part of an agreed transaction between the two parties. The same applies for one individual buying multiple auctions of useless items in an attempt to hide the transaction.

So let’s say the gold seller wants to get his buyer 1000g without setting off any red flags. The buyer forms a GDKP and invites the seller. Now the seller is part of a group where thousands of gold is being exchanged between people’s hands, making it seem why that amount of gold is exchanged is simply a result of the loot system.

This is just not how trading detection works. Making other trades or being in a group with other people who are trading has no impact on blizzards ability to detect your illicit gold trades.

The idea of setting up and administrating an entire GDKP raid for the purpose of making a gold sale is hilarious


Good most guilds require stupid things of you to raid in classic. No one needs full consumes and WBS for MC. Gdkps are fine and are ultimately the better way to raid for players that aren’t trying to adhere to god awful rules put in place by a single player because there a guild master. I’d rather farm my gold and run Gdkps than run a raid with people I mostly can’t stand especially when I might actually like 3 of the 40 players in a classic raid

I have yet to see any proof (other then “Trust me bro”) that the rate of gold buying is higher among GDKP people then the general playerbase, or people who buy BoE’s off the AH, or power level professions or any other “large ticket items”

Until this can be shown (that GDKP has a higher rate of infraction) I will maintain that there is nothing wrong with GDKPs, and people are focusing their ire in the wrong place. Instead of hating on the majority of players who are legit in GDKPs, why not find people who actually bought gold and report them? Report the bots farming gold. You know the two groups who are actually breaking the CoC.

This happens all the time in raids any way lol

You’ll see people that are barely online but get online for a gdkp run and has hundreds of gold

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I report every gdkp ad i see.

It should be against tos. Theyre against the spirit of an rpg and wow in general. They also promote gold buying which means more bots.


Did you even read what I wrote?

Anyways your example can easily be explained away though alts, that is to say the character running the GDKP is an alt or he guy has an alt that is better at farming that he spends his time on, and simply mails himself gold. Having a large sum of money on a character with that character not being on very often is not evidence that the person bought gold.

Even if the person bought gold it isn’t a sign that the occurrence of gold buying is higher among the GDKP population vs the population at large.

Many that play deserve bans, And some that were banned deserve to be unbanned. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out banishment in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends

If Blizz can not or will not enforce gold buying, GDKPs should be banned.
If Blizz does start harshly punishing gold buying, GDKPs are acceptable imo. Certainly not my cuppa, but it seems like the real problem are the buyers.

Someone in another thread pointed out that botting banwaves happen every 3/6 months to line up with PayPal chargeback windows to hurt the people selling bots more than piecemeal chargebacks would, as botters immediately issue a chargeback on detection and ban. It also doesn’t seem terribly difficult to rake in a profit relative to the low cost of access to SoD/Classic.

Banning the buyers is really the only way to reliably curtail RMT, and it seems that doing so would solve the issues people have with GDKP.

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Isn’t that exactly what GDKP is though? It’s people with money buying the items they need while geared people who don’t need items pass on everything to get a bigger share of the gold at the end? Most seem to have buy ins or a min gold amount to enter, but you’re still leaving with more gold than you had if you don’t roll. Meanwhile the people with their alts or whatever spend gold to get stuff contributing to the payout.

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Maybe deep in a phase dude, but you couldn’t bring afks to pre nerf vashj lol

Didn’t say they would afk, but they’ll still be mostly carried cause their damage sucks. No one is afk’ing in non-gdkp runs either.

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