GDKP: Ban or no ban? (Should GDKP be against the TOS?)

I love my gdkps.

Just made a quick 4k gold in that TOGC i just did.

If you bring up the AH they just deflect or ignore it.

It’s a loot system that requires players to purchase items that drop. Sounds like it fits more in the trading category than it does as a way for players to find groups. Don’t like it? Then don’t require your groups to engage with trading items for gold.

That’s a pretty odd way of seeing things… because bad at something, doesn’t mean others are as well dude. Assumption is rarely a good thing.

I have most of the runes, crafted my epic boots and my professions are maxed out for the current profession. Not dropped a penny on the game outside of my sub.

So let me see if I understand this correctly.

Putting up an item for a bid in a raid and splitting the top bid between everybody in the raid is bad, but if say the item was BoE putting the item on the AH and letting the people bid on it and only one person of everybody that put effort into getting a drop to occur is somehow good?


People rolling on items is part of group content. Groups made solely for people to bid on dropped BoP items is trading with extra steps.

GDKPs are made for 2 purposes. To spend gold on items or to make gold from those items. It’s not for people just looking for a group to do content. It is completely disingenuous to claim otherwise.

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I was being sarcastic, applying the view of GDKP to everything else in the game that requires gold.
Your reaction is how I feel about people who shriek about RMT & GDKP.

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Gotcha, so used to seeing people be dead serious about comments like that lol

If rolling is how you are supposed to distribute loot what about guilds that do loot council or EPGP/DKP/other point system.

If y’all don’t think GDKP is bad, spend an hour researching and you’ll see the truth. You are arguing for the system because you personally benefit from it.

Here’s a good video to check out

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Some guilds use loot systems that rely on points/currency that exists outside of the game. They advertise in LFG too, seems more TOS breaking than a GDKP is to me.

You’re misunderstanding that it’s not a ‘purchase’, it’s an auction. You bid against other players in the raid, if you really want the item, you bid higher, just like you do with other systems such as DKP.
At the end, the gold pot is split between everyone, including the people who bid on items.
Depending on what items drop, it’s possible to bid on an item, win and still walk away with more gold than what you entered with. This is hardly a simple trade, you still need to participate in the raid and contribute to kills in the exact same way you would any other raid.
The benefit of this system is that if nothing you want drops, or you ‘lose the bid’, you still walk away with gold for your time and effort rather than absolutely nothing like you would in an MS>OS run.
It incentivizes geared players to attend who are only searching for 1 or 2 items to finish off their bis gear.

Guilds that use point systems don’t advertise their groups in LFG. That is why SR systems became the norm for guild groups that require PuGs.

What would you suggest a GDKP PUG raid that is looking for a tank and a DPS to fill out their group does then?
Please, a genuine response only.

Video is awful.

Its so far off it isnt even funny.

I have done gdkps on discords since classic launched and i have never seen a discord where you have to literally spend real money to “buy” your raid spot and my guild runs the largest gdkp on Benediction.

We would be the same as the gdkp he uses in his example except we dont charge people money to get a roster slot.

For years, on Arugal, gold sellers posting/advertising are outright banned from GDKP discords.
If they try to DM people using mutual members, they are ratted out and banned.

No one is denying that gold buying happens in WoW, that would be foolish, and some of those gold buyers do attend GDKP, but it is absolutely not as rife as alarmists and trolls would have you believe.
It is ABSOLUTELY INSANE to boldly proclaim that RMT exists because of GDKP, you legit have to be a dribbling moron to believe this, or arguing in bad faith.

Although I personally don’t like GDKPs and believe they should be prohibited, it is not something people can be punished for attending or participating in. However they do not belong in LFG chats and are more appropriate for trade chat given how the system works.

Currently the system is being abused by RMTers and botters to clean gold and make tracking purchased gold more difficult. If Blizz cleaned up RMT and botters more effectively, I think myself and many others would be fine with GDKPs. Until that happens however, I believe the best course of action is to prohibit GDKPs to reduce the incentive for players to buy gold, make botted gold easier to track, and possibly reduce the profitability of botting.

The GDKP I ran with in Classic had some big spenders, want to know who they were?

  • Mages who AoE farmed stuff/boosted
  • A Hunter who spent the day selling Tribute buffs at 5g a head
  • people who spent their time doing gdkps saving up gold to compete with the whales
  • AH flippers
  • etc…

I don’t know for a fact that tainted gold never passed hands, but I highly doubt it.

Can you explain how GDKPs are used to launder gold? I think you are forgeting that the gold is split evenly between every single attendee.
Losing 90% of your bought gold in a 10 man, even more in a 25/40… it doesn’t seem a very effective method of cleaning.

I also just straight up disagree that a PUG raid looking for additional players should be advertising in trade rather than LFG, simply because of the loot distribution method. It’s still a pug raid, looking for more members, just like every other pug raid.
Would you go to LFG to post 'looking for enchanter to join my group and sell an enchant? No, because the primary purpose is buying a service.
The primary purpose of a GDKP raid is to group up with other players and kill content, just like every other raid.

It is in fact shocking that people who do things in game that make a lot of gold may also attend a GDKP at some point and use some of that gold.
How dare they!

You hate on GDKP’s but you don’t hate on the AH which is an easier way to launder the money I would think.

I doubt you would hate GDKPs any less even if botting/RMT didn’t exist.