GDKP: Ban or no ban? (Should GDKP be against the TOS?)

why ban it though?

i get it, you either like buying gold or like profiting from people buying gold in your gdkps

dont care
ban gdkps.


GDKP do nothing to enhance the game, detract from social interactions and destroy the economy.

I disagree that it is a good loot system. It’s more of a poor excuse for a pay to win system. Gold buyers come into GDKP and launder their gold bought from RMT. Injecting so much gold into the economy and inflating AH prices.

I do agree that GDKP is not the root of the problem. It’s an exploitation of RMT in the game. The root cause is bots and gold sellers. It’s akin to the Bitcoin farms that sprouted up in the 2010s. GDKP is the Bitcoin farm and bots/sellers are the bitcoins.

So Yes, GDKP should be banned. It ruins the spirit of the game and does nothing to make it better.

Would love to see Blizzard startup a premium server for an extra cost, hire a handful of GMs and keep the server clean. I would be first in line to pay.


Isnt that also the AH?

It literally does nothing to the economy.

It has a community.

It enhances the games pug raids.

For instance im literally doing a togc gdkp right now.

If it wasnt for GDKP u think id be back here?

Please consider the following.

  1. In the past People have been willing to pay tanks and healers gold to tank/heal (depending on what was needed) was this 50-200g per instance fee bought with bought gold?

  2. Back in Classic classic People were willing to pay groups money in 5 man dungeons to pass on an item if something dropped. A Pseudo GDKP as there was only one item and the price was fixed. Wa that person using bought gold or were they just so tired of losing the roll on the item that they were willing to spend the gold they farmed on it?

  3. What loot system is good? Need/greed is bad because a lucky person can get all the gear as well as pieces that aren’t optimal for their class but they can technically use. Don’t get me started on how horrible loot councils are. EPGP has its flaws, etc… So you don’t like GDKP that doesn’t make it a “bad loot system” by itself.

  4. In a pug what social interaction is there? regardless of what loot system you use how much interaction do you acually have with strangers? GDKP is the most fair system for PuG groups because a person has to put forth money for every item they want to get meaning if you don’t get an item you want you at least walk away with something (gold). other loot systems leave you with nothing.

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You cant convince these people.

They see gold and just assume the worst.

Tell me how having thousands of players gold capped on a server doesn’t impact the economy and force prices up? It’s called inflation. We’re seeing it IRL right now because of the pandemic and the money that governments handed out.

Being in a GDKP is a far cry from joining a guild, getting to know people, working together, camaraderie. GDKP raids are just a vehicle to get your RMT gold. Your “community” is a couple of PTW gold buyers and the leeches that soak up the gold.


Retail cope as usual,because your gdkp community’s are devoid of friends classic must be too. Top kek.

As long as they aren’t breaking any rules, I don’t see why it’d be banned.

Any loot system that does not involve RMT. I’ve been running raids with my guild weekly since WOTLk classic started. We do MS +1 and no one needs to buy gold.

To your other points, I have no issue with gold being used to hire a tank or healer or to offer some gold to the player that won a need roll as long as it’s gold from legit sources and not bots/gold sellers. GDKP is linked to RMT and would not exist otherwise.


Man this is dripping with bitterness, i’m sorry that you’ve not been included in a GDKP community.
I have, and it’s been great.
My schedule is unreliable so I am not able to join a guild, I exclusively play in PUGs and for pretty much all of TBC and WOTLK classic I did almost all GDKP runs. I got to know many regular faces, a lot of fun, cleared raids reliably, got geared AF and bought absolutely zero gold.

I’ve had a lot more of a welcoming experience in GDKP pugs than i have some some guilds.
It’s almost like using a different loot distribution system doesn’t change every other aspect of raiding or communities, who would have thought.

i think your inability to make friends in PUG communities says a lot more about you than it does them.


Tell me you’re clueless without typing it…

How exactly does GDKP cause inflation? It doesn’t generate any gold, the gold already existed in the players bags before they joined the raid.

Why make up flat out lies and garbage? It contributes nothing to the discussion.

I’m neither bitter or wanting to be in a GDKP. As I stated before GDKP is a function of RMT linked to botters and gold sellers.

I’m glad you enjoyed your time pugging GDKP but you either are willfully ignorant of your participation in the problem or are knowingly exploiting RMT.

Like buying stuff from a friend that “fell off a truck”. You didn’t steal it but you are buying it and supporting that system encouraging more stuff to fall off trucks.

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Does gold have absolutely no function outside of a GDKP raid? No, of course not. Why continuously perpetuate this idiotic lie that RMT exists because of GDKP?

In addition, by your own admission, you ‘don’t want to be in GDKP’, so how can you comment on the community?

You’re just full of an incredible amount of horse****, typing on topics you’re completely clueless about.

Just stop.

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Why do you assume that just because there is a gdkp it means somebody bought gold?

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Every time i see someone with any of the following, I just assume they bought the gold. Because I am terrible at making gold in game, it must also be impossible for anyone else to afford:

  • Any rare BOEs
  • Crafted epics
  • Maxed out professions, especially one with lots of recipes
  • Epic mounts
  • Full enchants
  • Full consumes for every raid
  • Every rune, including iron/fish oil/shredder ones.
  • Anything else that costs more than I can make in 30 minutes of skinning mobs in elwyn
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Because the gold was already in the system, gdkps dont add gold.

Also bots keep consumables and literally everything low price.

This is why prices are infact not going up and never really have.

Youre 100% wrong on this and all of you screech inflation when the thing youre literally against (bots) keep the prices low.

You buying a DBW doesnt make haste potions magically cost more, use your brain.

gosh wow its so cool that you guys love your gdkp bought gold pots.

dont care
ban gdkps.

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Well then isn’t everything on the AH tainted by bought gold too?