GDKP: Ban or no ban? (Should GDKP be against the TOS?)

GDKP isn’t a merit system either…it’s pay to win bud

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that is exactly what GDKP is bud…you are buying gear…not a hard concept…lol

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Massive strawman, the only terrible players that get brought to GDKP’s are WHALES. And when they get milked they get dropped and never brought again. A good carry that pulls his weight get’s re invited every time and in a few months is full BiS. I love all the cope on these forums about GDKP from people who don’t get invited to them. I wonder why?

Youre buying gear everyone has access to, thats the literal exact opposite of pay 2 win.

Pay 2 win is buying gear you can only get by paying real money for.

You cant pay 2 win in wow.

With your idiotic definition literally every MMO game is p2w.

Banning a loot system that uses in game gold obtained through legitimate means is very stupid. GDKP is not related to RMT, people RMT for all kinds of reasons.
I have GDKP’d for many years without ever buying gold, of course, some people in GDKP do buy gold, many people also buy gold to obtain craftable items, in game mounts from vendors and boost their professions.

What is next, ban group loot because it can sometimes be used by Ninjas?
Ban master loot because it can be used for selling carries?

This is how retail arrived at the terrible system that is personal loot, and everyone hates it.

You cannot control player decision making over legitimate in game systems via TOS.

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Dont forget if you bring up the Auction House they just ignore it.

The auction house is full of botted items and also gets people to buy gold.

But they ignore that literally always.

As far as I see it, almost all of the strong anti-GDKP opinions come from people who are simply poor in game and therefore can’t attend GDKP runs.
They are mad, so they want it to be against TOS.

It’s a player driven loot system, just like loot council, DKP, wish list, sucide kings or whatever a guild chooses to use.
Many chinese guilds I’ve encountered actually use GDKP as their internal guild loot system, they do this because they like DKP but they often have to fill in slots with PUGs for various reasons (mostly internet stability related).
Should these chinese guilds be banned for TOS?
It’s so silly if you spend more than 2 minutes thinking about it…which is a big ask for some players, I know.

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Gdkps are not against rules so bans should only go out to those abusing the report system because they don’t want to accept it as a legit source of gold.
Blizzard needs to actually ban bots, ofc they won’t tho cause it loses them money.

Remember to report all GDKP spam in LFG.


Report it for what, exactly?

LFG is a channel for people to get together and play. Not funnel you bot gold while one person does nothing. The correct category to report you would be the Advertisement category.


Been doing gdkps since classic launched and not 1 suspension or silence or anything.

Keep reporting tho they seem to be working!

What a load of insane rubbish, you seem to be incredibly confused.
GDKP is a loot system for raiding, just like MS>OS, SR, Loot council etc etc. There is no difference to how you play the raid, the only difference is in how the loot is distributed.

You still need to form a complete raid, tanks, healers DPS and kill the bosses, just like every other loot system. That is why it’s in LFG, because, you have to form a group, again, just like every other bloody loot system.


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Yes, ban anyone doing GDKPs. Higher bans for hosting.


Why? because somebody could buy gold and then spend it in a GDKP?

Couldn’t they just as easily buy gold and buy a powerful item off the Auction house so perhaps the Auction house should be closed until the gold buying problem is solved?

but then again why stoop at the AH, anything that could be bought on the AH could just as easily be bought directly from somebody so disable all trades until the gold buying is stopped…


We as players can make the biggest difference and report players we know have bought gold for buying gold, shun people we know have bought gold from groups and exclude them from guild functions. We saber rattle that we hate gold sellers, but when your friend buys gold what do you do? turn the blind eye. It is time for that to stop.

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they do buy gold.


Do you have any proof that the percentage of players who partake in GDKPS are more likely to be gold buyers then the average WoW player
or somebody power leveling a profession
or somebody who is spending their money buying Blue BoEs from AH.

dont need it, they do


Well sir I don’t believe you because I have it under good authority that you buy gold and I don’t believe gold buyers.

How do I know you buy gold? Don’t need to to, you do.

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