GDKP: Ban or no ban? (Should GDKP be against the TOS?)

I think I used a general term that can cover a wide range of numbers because I have zero idea how many people buy gold.

GDKP is a fine system on its own. It’s the RMT that spoils it

I think if you said “a lot” nobody would really contest it.

Ban the gold buyers, they have more to lose. That’ll take care of everything else.

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GDKP is for sweaty elitists, and is inherently “scammy”. It breeds gold buying, and scamming. It turns the game into “pay to win”.
I mean, if you can’t figure out a fair loot system without making people pay gold, you may have lost the plot. And your point may be valid, it may very well be a good loot system. But there are lots of things in the world that work well, which are wrong.
IMO, GDKP is one step away from gold selling, and because they are intrinsically linked it shouldn’t be allowed. I report anyone who posts GDKP, and will continue to do so.


I hope you are banned for abusing the report system.

Pay 2 win doesnt exist in wow.

Permaban all gold buyers on first offense.
GDKP advertisement should result in a ban as well.


Yes ban all GDKPs and organizers.



how would they enforce this but not stop people from buying gold

What we say is irrelevant, Blizzard already said it is fine.

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Why ban it? They could ban all the bots but they dont

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Or hear me out, they could ban bots and gold buyers.

What people want to do with their gold is their business.

RMT is bad, but removing GDKPs wont remove RMT

Gdkp is why i stopped playing wrath classic.

It’s the one thing good about retail cause there’s no gdkp. Just people selling carries.

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gdkp is why most people kept playing wrath in ICC. everyone got to gear alts and make a bunch of gold.

Doubt i tried to get my retail friends to give wrath a chance again for icc and logging in to just see blatant rmt gdkps infesting the entire game killed everyone desire to even bother.

Not everyone loves just burning money on a game you’re already paying to play.

i can play retail and do hard content without having to pull out my wallet to buy gold.

If retail had this problem i would just go play any other game like ESO,FFXIV or destiny 2 that don’t have gdkps


Hey we found a gold buyer here, nice!


how do you sort that out ? most people that get ban for gold will just buy a new account and buy more gold and be back in the system on the same day ?


GDKP is a terrible system period… imagine lets say two fury wars going to a molten core gdkp, both the exact dungeon blue gear… Warrior A only has 100g going in cuz he doesn’t have the time to farm gold, but is a really great player/dps and is top 3 every fight…

Warrior B has thousands of gold from being able to farm all day or buy it, but is a terrible dps and isn’t even top 12-15 dps and doesn’t follow most mechanics…

So now the player (Warrior A) will loose to someone doing way less work just because of a terrible loot/bid system… sure you can argue some raid leaders might say “hey your dps was terrible so you can’t bid on anything” but is that really going to happen when someone puts up a ton of gold or is a known whale? nah…