GDKP: Ban or no ban? (Should GDKP be against the TOS?)

I don’t really have any issues with GDKP as a loot system in and of itself. I do sort of feel like if Blizzard wanted to enforce stricter anti-RMT measures than it has been, and is worried that the arms race type battle between RMTers paying to help advance bots is a losing one, they could fund their own efforts with fines.

Though, it’s hard to say that this would have a net overall positive effect on the game and playerbase, and wouldn’t just result in large numbers of people quitting, since they can’t buy gold or in-game services.

I do not feel that I am particularly aware of how much RMT and other such activities actually impact my day to day gameplay, and as they say “Ignorance is bliss.”


it impacts it alot

do care
ban gdkps

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If it’s that easy to ban stuff, then ban bots, and ban RMTers.


i agree

ban gdkps

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Dont care, im doing a gdkp atm.

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dont care
ban gdkps

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DBW just went for 180k, this gonna be a fat payout.

Want me to buy you a token?

JK Dont care.

no, infact im going to go do a gdkp too because its the most effective way to farm gold outside of buying it myself.

dont care
ban gdkps

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This dishonest creeps (some of whom are in this very thread!) who participate in gdkps are the reason bots have driven skin prices into the ground among other things. Truly scum behavior and I hope they all get banned by Blizz’ automatic report system (these same creeps support so they can ban people for saying mean words).

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I feel like they could actually add an option for the monthly subscription to add $5.00 or $15.00/month towards an anti-RMT/Bot team, and people could opt-in to pay that fee, which would only be deducted if a certain threshold opted in, i.e. enough to support the actual costs to…

or enforce such an effort.


Hes converted.

The hypocrisy.

i would gladly pay $30 a month for a game that protects the integrity of the game

dont care
ban gdkps


Imagine paying to play this game.

its a great trend that gives blizzard its justifications to allow gdkps and gold buying

dont care
ban gdkps


You sound like a gold buyer.

100p a gold buyer, im reporting.

if only. where do i turn in my points, i report them all the time

dont care
ban gdkps


They probably don’t even look at your reports anymore then… :rofl:

thats unfortunate

dont care
ban gdkps

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Here you go, report these people.

Time to shut the AH down, people are buying gold for those items.

thats alot of work

dont care
ban gdkps

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