GDKP Ban Lifted

Thanks for your boots on the ground reporting.
Very insightful, and I think it’s along the lines of what everyone suspected.


Time is money, friend. Youre referencing Classic Era final phase loot, which was released more than 6 months after launch. So yea, you would have the gold to be able to afford loot… Especially if youve been playing with 39 other people who were naturally farming gold and using it to supply the raid with gold when they received a piece of loot…

So your entire guild directly partnered with a group that manages RMTers to sell carry runs, you’re a carry/boosting guild. You had whales served to you on a silver platter. All of this could have been accomplished if your guild were to sell the carry runs straight up. The only difference was that you used GDKP to distribute loot. If you replaced the words GDKP in this post with “master loot” or any other loot setting after selling the run, the results would have all been the same. Was this supposed to be insightful?

Here we are deep into SoD and the RMT swipers are still desperate to cheat by RMT via GDKP gold transfers. Please come play cata. CATA is absolutely fantastic and everyone is enjoying it immensely. You can RMT til your hearts content there. As for SoD, i am really looking forward to getting back into SoD after a little break. GDKP free. A completely different game dynamic than Cata but just as fun!


Ya but GDKP has the potential to be way more lucrative.
Rather than the flat rate of a carry run.

This is why it’s the preferred method of RMT’rs.

Terrible attempt to spin


You’re delusional if you’re serious here. The problem clearly is the person that’s directly partnering up with gold sellers to run an ENTIRE carry/boosting operation, but you want to place the blame on GDKPs and not the person? Absurd.

All I said is that it was their preferred method.

This is exactly whom is was referring to.

You continue to try and spin.

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It’s preferred among many more players than just RMTers. Why did you conveniently leave that out? You’re the one trying to spin it to a GDKP RMT story.

You didn’t refer to the person at all in your post, stop lying.

Now, elaborate on what exactly am I spinning? Or are you blindly calling it spinning when I’m pointing out that the problem is the gold seller’s partner?

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I found it insightful

You’re spinning your wheels trying to come up with the perfect argument so Blizzard will say oh we are so sorry you were right all along GDKP is good for the game banning it was a horrible decision. Unfortunately for you that argument simply doesn’t exist so GDKP will remain banned and the majority of the playerbase will remain tickled pink by this glorious fact.


But why is it only banned in one version of the game? Surely if it was that much of a success they would implement it across the other versions, no?

Oh it’s you again lol I don’t know what is going on with blizzard but I was told retail doesn’t have GDKPs so that leaves games that are close to kicking the bucket it would be a waste of their time. Classic Cata will probably be the last rerelease my reasoning is they gave us MOP remix already. What are they gonna do with ERA rerelease TBC again? Same for hardcore. My guess is this SOD will either run it’s course or become a second version of retail. Then there will be TWW and once CATA and the others die those 2 versions will be the only 2 left. So GDKP will be dead at that point.

Retail has runs that would be banned under the current GDKP rules in SoD.

Cata has GDKPs. Era has GDKPs. Hardcore has GDKPs.

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Dang I thought so! Grr to whoever used a verbage technicality to convince me otherwise. I’m guessing they will ban it to protect TWW so late August.

I’m guessing they won’t. SoDs numbers didn’t increase after the ban, whether GDKPs are better or worst for the game in reality. They make decisions based off numbers.

Whether it’s for RMT gains, or just Scrooge Mc Duck’ing in the virtual gold others have swiped for, these people will say anything…

I know it’s best to just moon them, shoo them, or pat them on the head. Gotta start prepping for P4 now lol

you mean the vast majority? :expressionless:

Shirley, you can’t be serious.


This would provide a better gameplay experience for everyone.