GDKP Ban Lifted

I agree with you.

Thanks arm i think a lot of the community agree lets hope blizzard listens.

Whether it’s for RMT gains, or just Scrooge Mc Duck’ing in the virtual gold others have swiped for, these people will say anything…
Couldn’t have said it better Forntoaster

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Yeah i agree diescumdie we do need to unban gdkp’s thanks for your input.

Not at all what I said but if you agree with what I said that’s kinda a self burn dude

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100% gdkp is a great loot system.

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100% agree that you burned yourself

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Yeah i think we should bring back gdkps as well.

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if this is true, im looking forward to it

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I also agree, unban gdkps


100% agree he burned himself see guys some pro GDKP posters love making points by pulling the things anti GDKP say out of context. A lack of confidence in their own thoughts perhaps.

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About 90% of the stuff anti GDKP’rs post are “out of context.” Its hard not to.
y’all just close your eyes, point, and say, “hey the bad guys are over there”.

Most of the antis still think gdkps cause inflation.

Y’all literally are clueless

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really 90% eh not my posts but you on the other hand literally just did exactly that. Does that mean you do it 100% of the time? I do agree both sides do it but to pull things out of context and then imply they said the opposite of what they actually said is pretty shady behavior pal.

both sides of the argument have clueless people blanket statements are not helpful to a discussion.

Yeah i agree unban gdkp’s

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This guy posts like a bot lol not based on his desire to GDKP but based on the repetitive nature of his posts and lack of word variations it’s like an automated response

Yes i can see them reverting the ban and making changes to there policy as well.

Unban GDKP.


Speak for yourself