GDKP Ban Lifted

  1. Are you the only person spending gold in the Naxx?
  2. Do you not get a payout at the end?
  3. Do you have to spend all your gold?

Is it that hard to accept that those numbers are ridiculously inflated by artificial means?


How much gold is created in a GDKP? Isn’t it all just changing hands?

Just face it man, you’re trying to argue semantics over something that I believe deep down inside that you know is true. I see it, you see it, blizz sees it. I’m not going to bicker back and forth every little point so you feel better about your choice of cheesey gaming mechanics that were not intended.


You didn’t answer my question.

How much gold is created in a GDKP?

Could you be misguiding your grievances?

We literally just went through this. Yes its exchanged. Yes its zero “created”. But it’s passed down from gold buyers or we wouldn’t be seeing half a mill pots. It’s not realistic even for a 5 year old server of regular players. Something like 50k pots would be more realistic for a legal clean 5 year old server.

Semantics and circles with you.

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So it’s an inflation issue created by bots bloating the economy with raw gold farms?

Not directly always raw gold farms creating that type of inflation. Regular players do not create the large excess supply of materials that bots do. So no, just because its exchanged instead of created does it mean its not harmful.

Wouldn’t the auction house be harmful too then? I’m pretty sure Edgemasters go for nearly 40k on Whitemane. Is that not an incentive for RMT?

They go for 40k because thats where the gold buyers have pushed the economy :rofl: pretty sure they were about 6k in OG vanilla when they were known as BIS even then.

But how did gold buyers make more gold in the game?

Is that not from a server that’s been around 4+ years with multiple bot plagues during that?

Those bot plagues that went to Strat and BRD to farm mobs for gear to vendor?

Yea, that’s it. That doesn’t change that gdkp benefits from that though.

So bots are the issue? No?

So what, are you trying to imply that gold buyers need to be banned further and gdkps should return?

Great question.

I’m implying that…

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I’ll give you that if all gold buying was eliminated then GDKPs would be less offensive, yes.

Still doesn’t change that most gdkps are major gateways to gold buying to the point its become the norm. It’s purely a specific situation that doesn’t need to happen again.


Thank you for seeing my side, I’ll let you know as someone who has been in trouble in the past for RMT the need only arose from progression situations, thus all that gold was spent on the AH.

I love GDKPs because they allow you to recoup your raid expenses while raiding, should you not benefit from loot drops. It’s a win-win. You either get gear, or get gold.

I’m firmly convinced that most these anti-gdkp post/users are actually fronts for gold sellers, since performing to your raids standards becomes an efficient farm compared to the slow tedious grinds that lul players to RMT.

GDKPs can also feel very odd in the inclusion and exclusion categories because RMT does get you “in”. But it is only short lived because if the skill and effort aren’t up to the pars standards, as soon as you graduate from that buyer role you won’t see yourself as a carry unless merit says otherwise.

I was a poor tank who had trouble affording my flasks before GDKP in classic. I never bought gold, but I did need to work to afford my raiding.

Once we had naxx on farm, my raid started offering GDKP runs. After we started I was rich enough that I could strictly raid log and afford everything I needed. We carried the “VIPs” (lol) sent to us by a group of shady Koreans on another discord who were basically running a large multiserver GDKP setup. Those VIPs were playing with obviously bought gold and spending unfarmable levels of gold on not even that great of gear. Most of them didn’t even know how to play all that well or would brag openly about how much they RMT’ed.

At that point I had enough gold that I could send it to alts and buy my gear in other GDKP runs.


Bought gold → to the carries + a percentage to some shady AF GDKP korean organization running on multiple servers

Carries (with bought gold) → into the wider economy through AH, spending ridiculous amounts of gold on consumes because who cares we were all rich, also less of us out there actually farming and just letting it all be generated by bots/bad hombres

Carries’ alts (with bought gold) → to the carries in another GDKP (probably controlled by the same dudes who we coordinated our GDKP’s with lol) + probably a percentage going to some other shady AF dudes

End result:

Less engagement by players with the game world and more raid logging
Players who wouldn’t buy gold still handling bought gold and looking the other way
Cuts of gold going to some shady dudes who were probably reselling the gold (lol)
Offering an easy way for bought gold to enter the wider game economy

Sure, there might be some squeaky clean mom n’ pop GDKP’s out there, but let’s not pretend that everyone is on the up and up. The fact that most pro-GDKP guys defend it lead me to believe that they’re either clueless or disingenous/a bad actor.


As almost to pass over the part where you say “we had the final content finished”.

Alot of players raid log out of necessity. They don’t have the time that some of us do.

Without the GDKPs would you have still cleared the raid with the same efficiency, i.e. using the same consumables and giving the same applied effort?

I mean GDKP made it much easier for me to raid, there’s no question about that. But I also feel that it shouldn’t be a thing given the reasons I laid out.

Honestly, I think the best solution is to do away with consumes and retune the fights as needed. There’s no real skill, thought, or RP to be had from sure I was flasked, etc.

It’s the same thing with wbuffs.

My personal preference is to keep wbuffs and consumes for other content, but not for raids. That way we wouldn’t be so incentivized to obtain gold.

Back to GDKP’s - I don’t think they’re inherently evil, and I don’t think all GDKPers are gold buyers. But I do think that the cons outweigh the pros, and it’s an overall win to ban them despite making a portion of the playerbase unhappy.

If I put myself in the shoes of the devs, and I was someone who was serious about enforcing the ToS, I would have made the same decision.