GDKP Ban Lifted

Um I can track all my purchases and sales on the AH it keeps a record.

The gold seller is legitimizing the gold by using the ah to hide the sale. Also funny that you know this is another delivery method for gold sellers do you check the sites simply for research?

Gold buying isnt new, its been going on for 15 years.

Youre acting like knowing how they deliver the gold means anything, its pretty common knowledge.

You said this.

If its so “easy” why do gold sellers use it as a way to deliver gold?

The delivery methods are usually, mail, face to face trade, AH or guild bank.

I have never heard of someone buying gold and they get it delivered via a gdkp.

Yet the AH is “easy to track” right?

Well I have a banned account from when I bought gold 4 years ago it was delivered in the mail with some arrows and a thanks for the GDKP! And yeah I knew I deserved the ban didn’t appeal and felt super stupid for buying gold.

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A letter saying “thanks for the gdkp” isnt the same thing as going to a gdkp they can literally see lmfao.

Youre sticking up for the AH but the AH is used by bots and gold sellers.

Lol the AH was designed by the developer’s GDKP was invented by the smarter bots. They take advantage of idiots who think it’s progressive.

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I mean your take is pretty stupid.

GDKP is just a loot setting it has nothing to do with bots or RMT.

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Lol what? :joy:

You’re criticizing something you clearly know nothing about.

This is why people blame GDKPs for RMT. You say youre against GDKP because of RMT right? yet you RMT without GDKPing? and your supplier is trying to take down innocent gdkp’s because they can use it as an alibi if anyone seems suspicious

I don’t support it I made a stupid choice and faced the consequences for that choice. I was just pointing out that the seller disguised the sale behind GDKP because it’s apparently normal for someone to receive the amount it costs for a mount in 1 run. Not making excuses but I tried herbing and skinning so I could buy flying in TBC gave up cause my stuff never sold also server was dead at that point so I bought gold to fly flew for a couple days then bam perma banned lesson learned don’t buy gold.

So I do gdkps and you have bought gold more than me since I have never bought gold.

Ain’t that some irony


yep sure is LMFAO doesnt make GDKP suck less just an example of how RMT hides behind it

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Clearly not very effective hiding, as you got banned.

Do you think blizzard is reading the text within the mails and making a judgement call based off that? ‘thanks for the GDKP’ between two bnets that have never raided together or otherwise had any interaction… hmmm…

While blizzard is overall failing at suppressing RMT, it’s got nothing to do with people hiding behind GDKP and everything to do with a simple lack of moderation resources.

Can you imagine how simple and effective it would be to have just a single GM check out some botting hotspots on each realm for 30minutes each week? Nope, this costs too much money. Better to ban GDKP.

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Lol, you should be safe now, they dont ban buyers anymore.

well when i talk to other people who got away with it their purchases arrived the same way Thanks for GDKP! and gold. LOL I got caught sure but they didn’t dont worry they quit playing awhile ago. Until the delivery we didnt know what GDKP was when they found out they were all well that’s some BS no wonder gold is so hard to earn and quit well that and we all felt a bit ashamed. Never played until classic rereleased then TBC came out we all got bogged down in the bog by the time we started farming market was trashed none of the farmable mats were worth anything and we wanted to fly. None of us raid we just ran around Azeroth exploring flying was a bit of a let down TBH. Blizzard isnt failing they gave up players like you make it hard to punish players like me. Do they ban the player backed into a corner or do they ban the pros that dont technically cheat but prop up and help the bots with their innocent loot system. As you can see most the anti GDKP crowd are polite they are aware of the difference between opinion and fact they dont act superior to anyone else. The babies who support GDKP think opinions count as proof seem to think they are better than everyone else and usually jump to name calling the moment someone simply disagrees with them. Tell me in customer service who would you rather deal with? If RMT were the Emperor in Star Wars GDKP would be Darth Vader. GDKP helps RMT immensely Blizzard just had to word it in the nicest possible way. They don’t want to play nanny but they too were backed into a corner. GDKP may help you fund your alts but it also helps fund RMT. Yes there are other reasons a player might RMT but its a drop in the bucket compared to the players that want max level gear and have been taught that GDKP is the best way to get maxed out. None of us have proof but we dont need it because it is obvious. Everyone wants max level gear but it is BOP for a reason.

so not the point of that story Im glad that account got banned frees me of that shame. Gold buyers are the same as bots all my chars on that account became bots the moment I bought gold they needed to be banished. I dont understand how anyone can keep playing knowing they bought gold.

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People thinking if GDKP would be brought back SOD would suddenly gain a lot of players are coping so hard right now LOL


This is definetly true that players will be back if GDKP is allowed.

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Because its easy and saves a ton of time.

Definitely will breathe some life into the game.