GDKP Ban Lifted

Maybe you should emulate his humility too in understanding a lack of rogue knowledge.

Now this guy does not come to Azeroth to chill and have fun that’s for sure

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Humility is overrated and I already acknowledged I have never played rogue

Lol just realized the rogue comment was probably directed at you congrats on getting to 50 on a rogue btw rogues seem very complicated to play pve with did you solo or did you have backup. Soloing a rogue to 50 seems impossible to me

Gumption lol I like that word thank you

There is an RMT-less gdkp system.

It’s called need before greed. Use it. You don’t need to be paid every single time you do content with someone.


so what? It shouldnt be in the game anyway? They will have to learn a new way.

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Good change hopefully they do it for NA as well the gdkp banned completely killed oceanic realms.

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See what you are not understanding is that RMT was and still is alive and well with GDKPS being banned. People still gonna buy gold regardless of if they are spending it on their gear with crazy enchant prices or simply buying the gear for crazy amounts in GDKP. It’s just the avenue for that type of player has changed. That’s all. No less amount is being bought because GDKP are banned. Let me assure you

sometimes you have to remember some WoW forum participants have never done a real job in their life :expressionless:

Says the wow forum participant…

I bet they could find a mechanic that can drive and probably costs the same.

They might be able to.

Issue is we have a contract with a company to fix our trucks so it wouldnt matter if that new driver was the best mechanic in the world he still wouldnt be allowed to fix anything on the truck.

This gdkp ban needs to be reverted.


Keep the gdkp ban! Bots are way down. Good job cutting off a significant factor in rmt. Loving the decision so far.


To quote Admiral Ackbar It’s a trap! Don’t bother answering this guys questions he’s gonna A. Use the old but the AH argument or B. Say that makes no sense. This guy is super dense and just wants GDKP back doesn’t matter what anyone says or thinks. My advice just ignore this fool. I say proof is in the pudding Blizzard had enough data to warrant banning GDKP. The developer’s with all the evidence that no forum posters have access to decided it was worth the backlash to step in and say enough no more of these shinanigans and cut the head off the snake eating its own tail.


the undefeated old faithful ah argument, the kryptonite to the “things that encourage rmt should be banned” argument

its always fun to see you try

AH is easy to track open trade between players less easy especially when bulk is also being sold over trade all day. We don’t have that in SOD thankfully. Almost all gold goes through ah or to a vendor so SOD bots are much easier to spot Phase 4 will probably have the least bots since the original classic. Not to mention the bot accounts that are tied to other versions of wow go bye bye too so even players who don’t play SOD will benefit its a win for everyone.

Something that seems to be entirely made up and has no source and then an entire paragraph nothing to do with gdkp = ah and more about bots? looks like the undefeated streak continues

Then why when you buy gold is the AH one of the delivery methods of the bought gold?

If its so easy to track?