GDKP Ban Lifted

Im getting paid for those 4 hours tho.

Yall expect me to do a job i dont get paid for for free lmfao?

guess you dont have anyone relying on you if you can waste 4 hours “getting paid”

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I cant believe im getting flammed for something this crazy.

Im a company driver, i am NOT a mechanic, my job does NOT want me working on their trucks in any capacity.

Like wtf is wrong with all of you?

youre easier to replace in your job than that tire is.

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Thats not how any of that works lmfao.

You mean you aren’t going to listen to forum idiots telling you to perform out of scope tasks where you’ll get fired?

jesus, what are you, inefficient?

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They acting like i own the truck or something when i said i was a company driver, it isnt my truck and my job for sure doesnt want me working on their trucks because sure i can change a tire but im not a qualified mechanic lmfao.

They have contracts for stuff like this.

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sounds like something a girly man would say. Go change a tire right now. I don’t care whose vehicle it is. Carjack someone if you need to.


That dudes unhinged, honestly don’t think he has worked in a real capacity or is just wanting to be mad at someone.

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Yeah, you can tell he has no work experience.

I dont even own the truck, why would they want me working on it lmfao?

Do you post “leaders” talked to one guy in game who was “good” at making gold he would post 50+ stacks of 1 wait for a bot to undercut him buy out the bot than repost for a profit

I can’t understand that sentence at all.

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Just potentially cost your company thousands and get fired, but at least you proved you could change a tire to some nerd online!


Exact same reasoning when I’ve had friends try to shame me for not fixing my apartments issues. Not quite sure they understand how liability works.


It’s not about doing the job, it’s about sending a message.

Change the tire Drink. Do it.

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sorry i will clarify there are players who decided to “exploit” the bots by posting their excess mats for really cheap in the hopes that a bot will undercut them so they can buy out the botted mats for really cheap. Some of the players that do this call their excess mats leaders. They post these “leaders” in increments they hope will not sell like multiples of 1s, 3s , 11s, 17s . Understand?

Yes that does make more sense. No I have never done that. A lot of times people just auto post auctions so I’m not sure if your friend is always nabbing bots.

Bot or not the bulk comes from the bots buying and selling in bulk makes it harder for Blizzard to spot the bots and it also renders banning the bots almost pointless if their mats stay. So the strategy of buy low sell high instead of farming especially when you intentionally tank the market is just laundering the mats. So GDKP launders the gold and the players with the laundered gold that they have no way to prove was bought turn around and launder the mats that they can’t prove were laundered think they awesome players cause they geared and rich but really they just bots that think they players

sod is in the sewers. gdkp will only make it better whether you like it or not.

-coming from someone who generally doesn’t side w/ gdkp. it is what it is.

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What are you even trying to point out? That cheating also occurs on the auction house?