GDKP Ban Lifted

I am saying this
Bot or not the bulk comes from the bots buying and selling in bulk makes it harder for Blizzard to spot the bots and it also renders banning the bots almost pointless if their mats stay. So the strategy of buy low sell high instead of farming especially when you intentionally tank the market is just laundering the mats. So GDKP launders the gold and the players with the laundered gold that they have no way to prove was bought turn around and launder the mats that they can’t prove were laundered think they awesome players cause they geared and rich but really they just bots that think they players

That’s a whole lot of nothing, sir.

Blizzard can track trades… and they can roll back whatever they want on your character.

Awwwwh someone got upset. You’re either too young to be playing this game as much as me, or you really need to work on English.

thats what i thought you just playing dumb the real problems dont matter to you. You only post in an attempt to irritate so you can sit back and feel superior. You over simplify valid points you ask over simplified questions and see see im right when in reality you just a middle aged agitator with no life and no friends i can see the appeal GDKP has for you lol

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yeah its that easy

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You make absolutely no sense. Good day.

I make sense to other people just not to you but you dont really make sense to me either lets just agree to disagree and stop replying to each other.

In one, short, concise sentence, what do “leaders” have to do with GDKPs exactly?

sure short answer insane amounts of gold = insane buying power. A lot of gold in the hands of players that can justify their abuse of RMT so easily plus an insane amount of botted mats available = a destroyed economy. Cheaters cheat I know it is shocking. I am as shocked as you.

That’s not one sentence and it has nothing to do directly with GDKPs.

People make gold outside of the GDKP then bring it into them.

No the only way to make that much gold is to buy cheap bulk and sell it for more than you bought it for or to just buy the gold. After the mounts are bought players should be able to sustain themselves with a couple hours of farming tops. No one player needs 1000s of gold. Unfortunately GDKP makes new players feel like they need 1000s of gold to keep up thus incentivizing cheating. I know I know you have a single sentence that im sure you believe will invalidate this truth. My guess it will be along the lines of " that makes no sense" lol

You still make zero sense.

Oh looky looky…

Im a tank, I am NOT dps, my job does NOT want me trying to take the place of players who already do that task.

Like, wtf is wrong with you.

oh man “zero sense” did not see that coming

You still haven’t been able to explain what “leaders” have to do directly with GDKPs.

They take cuts, rl and gold in order to run them.

Its been seen and told, old news.

yeah i did it just made zero sense to you its ok your mom thinks you are special and that’s all that really matters in life

People that have lots of gold already manipulate the markets…

This might come to a shock to some of you, the games biggest whales don’t raid.

Yadda yadda AH, been debunked.

What I said is true, dont matter if you dont like it.

If that’s what you want to believe.

Ignorance is bliss!