GDKP Ban Lifted

My guild is on the casual side we dont do splits or ptr stuff but what we do is run most likely the biggest gdkp discord in classic wow.

So they will sometimes send you on a run in their gdkps fully guild funded.

I got a few hundred thousand gold when they sent me to an ICC gdkp.

It makes it easier to spread big ticket items around and they send their pumpers to gdkps every now and then.

No, your argument was on behalf of threat through damage. You can go read it again if you need to. The circular point was more damage is good because it gives more threat, so because it gives good(gold?) threat, more damage is good.
You’re the one that brought up efficiency, later. Along with other random points like healers getting bored.
If you can’t comprehend your own statements it explains a lot.

I’m trying to figure out who asked

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No the point was you were being bashed for awful logs which you do have, they are actually terrible.

Then I chimed in with why they were terrible and then you spouted some copium in response to someone’s else’s copium about bringing on another dps instead of you just playing better and doing more damage. Which is why I brought up dropping healers because you all brought up bringing more DPS instead of YOU doing more DPS as the tank.

Your failure to recognize that I was actually trying to help you at the start of all this is what’s most intriguing, you’re that player who says he’s a pumper in trade chat but is actually terrible.

Also about my guild gdkp, who asked you? I clearly wasn’t talking to you, you for sure didn’t get a ping saying I responded to you with that.

Shouldn’t you be out somewhere RPing with Firebloom?

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You’re roleplaying enough for the both of us here making up my life story.

It’s all up there, try reading what was actually said instead of making things up.

I think you’re doing just fine for the both of us when it comes to making things up and I don’t even have to look up very far at all


Go work on your rotation and active time, why are you still here?

gdkp isnt coming back, why are you still here?


Its funny when drink tries to berate people about their rotations in a video game all the while he cant actually change the tires on his own truck, an act that would most certainly be more efficient than waiting for a real man to do the job.


he’s more concerned with the efficiency of his fpps ranking (forum posts per second)


Keep making excuses for your poor play.

nobody cares man get over it
gdkp isnt coming back


GDKPs are just another flavor of the game I enjoy.

All the while, you’ll continue to be sub par at your class.

I’m a company driver, I don’t get paid to change tires or fix the trucks.

I leave that to the people the company actually PAYS to do that.

Good job being the least efficient at your job as possible


Nobody PAYS a healer or tank to dps for more output either.


Drink is still going on about this nonsense after being embarassed last night?



There’ll be enough pop to raid in P4 without GDKP. I don’t care about more subs, even if what you’re saying is true. If X is enough population to support raiding, why should I care if there’s 2X population?

You think I’m over here worrying about muh sub counts lol

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More subs means the raids would last longer even when the hype is gone after a few months. It also means blz would put more effort on SOD and keeps developing.

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staying in your lane, glad to waste 4 hours on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck to put on a spare tire. This is how the world turns.

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