GDKP Ban Lifted

So being efficient with your time in WoW is now being called bad?

Do you know how silly you sound? You absolutely reek of jealousy.

You arent being efficient.

The tanks going for damage and adding in less healers and adding in more dps are.

Did you lose track of what you were trying to get attention for?

The way i said to do it was efficient, the way youre arguing to do it is not.

Sure I am. If the Boss dies in a quick manner with zero effort (Which by the way, it does cause WoW is braindead easy) that’s pretty efficient to me.

Its the least efficient way of the 2 ways we are arguing about.

Stop wasting time replying, you lost this 1 bud.

Wrong again, because if Easy Content is Easily cleared in a fast manner, then whether you can do it 2 seconds quicker or not is absolutely irrelevant.

But your ego in knowing that you can’t walk away feeling like you lost is blinding you from that simple fact that I am correct. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Whats more efficient, doing it 2 seconds faster or 2 seconds slower?

Pot kettle.

Since you failed to read the answer already given.

Just proving my point.

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Even in your hypothetical of 2 seconds its still more efficient than being 2 seconds slower.

No matter how much you think its irrelevant.

Also if you made the tank do more damage and removed 2 healers and added 2 more dps it would be much faster than 2 seconds.

It would prolly shave off 10+ minutes total of that persons clear time, because its simply more efficient.

If your goal is to reach a 100% completion within a desired time limit criteria and you easily reach said criteria without effort, any extra effort exerted to try and do it quicker is irrelevant wasted effort.

Simply meeting the required criteria in a quicky, easy comfortable manner is efficient enough.

Man it feels good for me to be correct all the time.


His last ST clear was 1 hour and 9 minutes long.

If he did more damage and added more dps instead of over healing he would of done it in under an hour.

Whats a more efficient clear time, 69 minutes or 55 minutes?

You can have the last word this conversation is inefficient.

This was an easy win for me.

Both are Efficient Clear Times. Speed Runners are Sub 30. Is his goal to be a Speed Runner? Or is his goal to comfortably clear Ez Content at a Quick Pace.

If it’s the Latter then it doesn’t matter if he cleared it at 69 minutes or 55 minutes. He already would have met the criteria needed.

Thanks for the free win, happy to teach you more life hacks in the future as you scamper away.


The juice just isnt worth the squeeze arguing with people with tens of thousands of forum posts arguing on behalf of the game being less fun and making it a point of pride to play it less. It’s almost like you don’t know how friends work in this game.
“But it is fun to me” they’ll respond out of their asses, while arguing on behalf of playing the game less, asking things like why would people continue playing with BiS gear if there arent gold payouts.
You reveal just how little you enjoy playing the game when you champion gdkps and parse culture, and it’s no coincidence that these people always devolve into toxic personal attacks and petty gotcha attempts.


The issue is your argument was against being efficient and arguing that it isnt better, or moving the goal post.

The fact is idc how you play, the only thing i called out was youre saying its efficient and it isnt.

Never do more damage if thats how you want to play, but dont argue that its an optimal way of playing.

If you dont care about being optimal atleast a little then dont debate things about being optimal or not mattering, it makes you look stupid.

Your argument is wrong, your choice on how you play isnt.

You’ve had it in your head that I framed some argument that was purely about efficiency with my first response to the idiot linking tank parses. You’ve been fighting this debate I didn’t make for hours.
I didn’t die. The bosses did. That’s all that matters. That’s my argument, and it was framed from the start from a PUGGING perspective. What’s to argue, the pug group didn’t buckle down and get it done 5 minutes faster? Nobody will ever care but you.

Not to mention your argument was on behalf of more threat, the part about efficiency and killing the boss faster was a goalpost you yourself moved.

Again wondering what the hell any of this has to do with taiwan lifting the gdkp ban


I enjoy progression in MMORPGs, doing a raid where I am spending gold and time for no reward is negative progression.

If you enjoy spending gold and time for no reward in game, then that’s cool! That doesn’t mean it’s the only acceptable way to play the game.

My preferred method of playing the game, an emergent player behaviour built on a foundation of player agency, got banned. So, now I am having a lot less fun because I am no longer progressing my character, in an MMORPG.
So, I am playing this version of the game (SoD) a lot less, in favour of versions of the game where I can actually progress my characters.

This doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy the game, I am just enjoying other versions more, because they haven’t banned my preferred method of playing.

It’s still funny because there was never any ban to be lifted.
This has been :poop: posting since like the second post. idk


There was no ban in Taiwan.

My argument was always dps, i just said that dps is also threat.

I literally broke down why your logs were trash and how WCL measures tanks lmfao.

My understanding is that GDKP was banned on TW servers for a very short time, before being reverted due to a lot of workaround, backlash and internal conflict in the communities there.

reddit DOT com/r/classicwow/comments/1b3oqbo/blizzard_lifted_gdkp_ban_in_tw_heres_why/

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The conflict and drama on the TW servers was due to the same clashing over gdkp on NA servers. They just took it to a different level and acted out in game.

Blizzard had to make a statement and confirm that there would be no restriction of those loot rules on TW servers.

edit for the translation of the Blizzard/blue post referenced in that reddit topic:

I’m not surprised. Many chinese/TW guilds use GDKP as a main loot system.
I still fondly remember being invited to tank a BWL back in 2019/2020 for a chinese guild on my realm (arugal), they used GDKP internally and this made it very easy for them to fill in randoms when needed.