GDKP Ban Lifted

Absolute Zero Issue. Who cares if Bosses die?

This is what I’m talking about, you care way too much about meaningless parses when the end result is all that matters.

Quote the part you said before that, this is what I was calling out as wrong.

Directly doing more damage is a net positive for the raid, you can move the goal post all you want the point was and is that doing more damage is a net positive.

Improving is a bad thing to you huh?

Nothing to improve if the content is super easy to clear. If your group can kill something with zero effort, there is no reason to do anything but what is required of you.

If you think otherwise, then you are an extreme minority.

What a copium response.

Stay low skill IDC lmfao.

It’s ok if you’re a D student your whole life because you passed!!

McDonald’s is going to need 45 year old burger flippers!


People didn’t quit because of GDKP ban. They quit because of P3.

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More people would be raiding but that’s not the point tbh.

Blizzard botched SOD.

They could of been creative but don’t worry guys y’all get to kill Lucifron again in p4, it’s gonna be great!

Hmmmm says something racist followed by calling others racist… there’s a word for this isn’t there?

Only someone obsessed with parses on EZ mode wow would find having a job being a bad thing, lmao.

Where did I say it was a bad thing?

Someone needs to add the cheese to the burgers.

Tone is key to a conversation. Try to follow along next time, it’s simple 2nd Grade English.

Tone is very hard to read thru text.

What’s wrong with not understanding 2nd grade English that well?

After all I passed with a D-

No need to improve ever.

I can’t help you if you don’t help yourself, not that hard to understand.

I’m just using your philosophy

I don’t think you are.

This is you saying not to improve because you can do something.

I used your logic against you and you fell for it.

Improving in a Video Game is not the same as Improving your Education in School, therefor you failed in this little gotcha attempt, lmao.

Your tactics are just about as effective as Amber Heard’s Lawyers, LOL.

Its human nature to improve, it doesnt matter where.

Also Human Nature to know when you don’t need to exert extra pointless effort. So that point of yours is negated. “Work Smarter not Harder”

So your advice is to just stay bad at wow.

Dont be efficient, be the minimum amount of efficient you need to be.

Thank god you play SOD i guess.