GDKP Ban Lifted

cry more about it gdkp isnt coming back

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Better chance of it returning compared to you getting better.

points addressed and ignored, you’ve clearly lost the plot, have a good one

I’m not going to address some mediocre rogues questions. You clearly lack proper focus and prioritization.

It’s even a stretch to call you mediocre.

“I’m not going to defend my own statements when they’re shown to be incorrect” lmao why am I not surprised

I’m not judging you off anything all I said was how logs judges you.

And your goal should be more damage if you’re not really in any danger by using more DPS gear.

It’s why tank parses are judged by DPS.

You can say whatever you want that doesn’t change the facts.

Interesting that healers aren’t judged for their dps when the same argument applies

Thats why healing logs are a meme, if anything you run less healers.

Not like sod is rich in mechanics, they are all target dummy bosses.

But tank logs are based off their DPS not their mitigation

So purely a dopamine system as that has nothing to do with their abilities.

Inb4 “DaMaGe InCrEaSeS TpS”, thats innate, not skill based.

I mean it’s common sense tbh.

Hmm im not dying and healers are bored cuz nothing to heal, maybe I wear more DPS gear and less mitigation gear and we kill the boss faster???

Bring more dps in the first place then?

This is the correct answer. You’d get a lot more dps out of a healer going dps than you would from a tank doing 10% more damage by wearing dps gear.

Moving the goal post.

It’s a fact that doing more damage is more beneficial to the raid, you cant really dispute this.

If the tank isn’t dying then doing more damage is a net positive.

The argument is specifically about tank damage not benching healers for DPS.

Also both can be done, this isn’t a 1 or the other type of thing.

At some point you really need to ask yourself if you’re approaching this the wrong way when you’re concerning yourself with tank damage past holding threat in a glorified 50 man dungeon.

(what this has to do with GDKPs in Taiwan is beyond me)

Yes you are approaching this all wrong.

Your last ST raid you had 4 healers.

2 priests a druid and a shaman.

They parsed over all 8 kills a whopping 32,28,18 and a 6.

So what do you think this means???

Spoiler alert, it means there is nothing to heal.

So you drop 2 healers for 2 DPS and you drop mitigation for DPS gear.

Now those 2 healers will parse, because HPS is how they parse, and it isnt about their parse im saying they will actually be able to play and press buttons to heal.

Healers will actually be able to heal things and not be bored out of their minds, 2 added DPS plus you’re extra DPS means your raid kills everything faster.

You’re welcome.

Ez game.

my last ST raid was filled half from trade chat lmao it’s not all that serious we got the kills right?

Sounds like you should stop being concerned with Parses in general if you’re this exasperated about it.

They are meaningless.

That wasn’t the argument.

I’m not concerned with healing parses, I used their parses to showcase they have nothing to heal which is why they parsed low.

They are running to many healers, which is why their is nothing to heal.

This is what the whole thing was about.

Try and keep up.

no it was central to the argument that the group was casual pug