GDKP Ban Lifted

This seems to be the only GDKP post that can live for more than one week. All other gdkp posts we’re removed by the moderator.

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Bring GDKP back. Everyone knows that will bring back a lots of subs.

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What’s preventing me from doing this? Do you think because GDKPs are gone no one is able to do things illegally anymore? Do you think by removing GDKPs all the bad actors have either left or had a change of heart?

You’re ignorant. It shows in your character and your discussions here.

No wonder you dislike raids that hold players to some accountability. You’re bad.


If gdkp comes to sod you gonna lose more then 70% of the player base. cause you if had GDKP blizzard will add wow token. and well its wotlk all over again thats not game i want to play

or any reasonable player does. typical americans only known for homophobia. bible bashing and racism and gdkps

cant you just let us one server without gdkps again why do have mess up again for everyone else you have 30 classic era servers. you have cataclasm. why screw up sod for other ppl

There’s no token in Era. Not sure they need to add one to SoD.


who wants to tell him?

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You already lost over 70% of the player base lmfao.

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Oh look another reject that can’t read tank logs and judges off of them anyways. No wonder your first idea when GDKP is off the table is to just straight up cheat.

and you have the reading comprehension of an elementary schooler.

Tank logs are more or less DPS logs.

More damage . more threat, threat gold, damage good.

So the higher you parse means the more damage you did which means the more threat you produced

A tank’s job is to hold threat and not die. Parsing has nothing to do with that. I didn’t lose threat, I didn’t die, we killed the bosses. It’s a relatively casual pug/refugee group that fell apart when Aggrend confirmed we weren’t getting phase 4 for a month at best.

Also, the particular boss he linked the logs from isn’t logging tanks correctly and it’s pretty easy to figure out why. My logs are fine otherwise lmao

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I mean you can say that all you want but your performance as far as logs go is measured by your damage.

It’s been said before but I’ll repeat it for the gnomes in the back: judging tanks by their kill logs betrays your own ignorance.

Considering there isn’t a shortage on tanks, I assume you just straight up don’t play DPS because you know the group around you would call out the crap performance you bring.

Anytime someone else suggest they tank, you get offended and tell the group you just aren’t interested this week.

oh look more off topic personal attacks, typical of gdkp advocates who don’t have a point to make

Didn’t you say I know nothing but how to cheat?

Didn’t you have the ignorance to think that since GDKPs are gone, no one is capable of breaking ToS?

Learn your class, then maybe you won’t felt as “gatekept” by those around you.

I don’t think either of those things are true but I did say you have the reading comprehension of an elementary schooler so it makes sense that you’d jump to these absolutes

You don’t think, that’s as far as you should take it.

Maybe if you started to think, you would see past your ignorance.

Show me where I said you only know how to cheat? I said that it’s not surprising to me that your first choice was to cheat, not that you don’t know anything else. Reading comprehension.
Show me where I said nobody is capable of breaking ToS? I said RMT is against ToS, I didn’t claim it’s not happening, and I didn’t claim that GDKP ban would stop RMT entirely. The type of person to argue on behalf of RMT to get their way is someone I’m not interested in talking to. You’re ok with cheating just because you probably won’t get caught and will argue in favor of that? You do you, but like I said, true colors have been shown.
You’re also running with the fantasy you just made up about gatekeeping. Not even trying to ground your arguments in reality anymore.

Maybe if you focused on being a better tank and/or dps you wouldn’t have any issues with GDKPs.