GDKP Ban Lifted

Now go get on a Taiwanese server.
Tell me how that goes.
(I’m willing to bet everything is different on their servers)

You may have thrown a tantrum, but no, phase 2 was fine, phase 3 and a lack of content, balance and communication of substance did SoD in for the time being, but thanks for playing.

Let players GDKP. My goodness, if you don’t like it don’t join. Im not going to your scumbag ms/os raid and i have no problem with you doing it. And don’t give the bs answer it promotes bots, gold buying, etc. because sod proved that dead wrong with bots and absurd ah prices. Phase 1 gdkps saw min bids at 5g with payouts being around 15g, you are smoking crack it you think its a rmt fest. Delusional.

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Welp thats todays most delusional post.

You wont believe me and thats okay but I’ll break this to you anyway, you’ve raided with someone who RMTs. People who RMT do not exclusively GDKP. There is more than raid gear that people RMT to obtain.

Edit: what the heck, someone necroed this thread… I havent been paying much attention to the SoD forums lately so didnt immediately notice.

GDKP is the only loot system that gives you a loot advantage over other players if you buy gold. When that (elicit) gold seeps into the economy it inflates everything and only serves to drive a larger wedge between the wealthy elicit gold hoarding gdkpers and everyone else just trying to play the game.
Moot point after they corrupted the economy by having incursions reward gold in the first place, not reigning it back in time, and not changing anything while practical bots have been allowed to run around in circles for over two months generating far more gold than any other meaningful adventure.

Regardless, end of the day I just don’t think anyone deserves loot more efficiently than others based on how much gold they have to offer. I think you deserve a chance at rolling for loot and winning, nothing more. As God and Chris Metzen intended.


Can’t I just reach out to the raid leader directly and offer them $20 to either hard res or masterloot me items?

Now the other people in the raid get zero gold or items because we used a “legit” SR or MS > OS w/ X HR system.


This ^… theres worse ways to gain advantage on loot than GDKP’s lol

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It’s so typical of gdkp advocates to immediately jump to the conclusion to just break other rules, some gotcha attempt as if real life trading isnt already against TOS
How quickly your true colors show

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you need to look outside of the box. The solution isnt to get rid of players from the raiding scene.

I don’t see a need for a solution in the first place. GDKP is good gone.

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and so is SoD

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taiwanese people already face hardship from the chinese government so they likely don’t want to be slaves to blizzard for this “experiment”, hopefully world war 3 starts soon and the NA wow players get drafted and start dealing with some real life hardship so they won’t be complicit sheep slaves to blizzard telling them what to do or how to play based on their own incompetence on moderating their own video game

sounds like a hate message. ban?
edit: nvm i forgot they dont moderate unless its twitter/X.

And the cringiest post of the day goes to…!

GDKP is just okay with some pro and cons. Pro you get something out of it at the end then gettin nothing from the whales. Con if you want that tier gear or special weapon hope you have a truck load of Gold cause its not going to happen against shuckle king of the bot/incursion gold king

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or you could lose a roll 12 weeks in a row.
Either way youre not guaranteed an item drop, but atleast you get a share of the loot that you cant equip if the item you want doesnt drop.

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i would pref GDKP/normal runs then parsing/ gatekeeping cause i least you get something out of it in return but you didnt hear it from me


I just asked a question.

Can you answer it? Or do you think that GDKPs being removed got rid of all those not playing by the same rules as you and I?

He cant, he’s too stuck in “if you like something i dont like u bad, think like me or you are enemy” mode. Anything explanation of GDKP ban consequences or any value of GDKP hes gona play some mental gymnastics to explain away as he has already shown.

I did, pretty directly. Here’s another:


Trading money for favors in WoW has always been against ToS. Did you not know?