GDKP Ban Lifted

great. 2 of my favorites. gdkp bans and microwave hot dogs. great day.

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Ironic. You want gdkp banned because it enables shortcuts but you take short cuts in life.

As always, anti andys doth protest too much.

This comment is so ridiculous I don’t even know whether to take it seriously. You’re on a nostalgia-driven server complaining about the population of a 20 year old game being old. Do you know how stupid that sounds?

Also, nobody 10 years ago, or probably even 5, referred to a mass negative response online as somebody “getting ratioed”. I have played hundreds of online games across console and PC and never heard that term used one single time in that situation until maybe a few years ago. But tell yourself whatever you need to feel like you’re not a clown that’s trying to sound cool by regurgitating phrases that other people also say to sound cool. Just know people that talk like normal humans are laughing at you.

Do you know what “most” means lol

lmao, Everyone who has played on the Taiwan server knows where these players come from,and 99% of people who joined GDKP have purchased golds. All these golds are From studios that use game scripts.

No one is innocent, they deserve this kind of trash gaming environment, lol.

Blizzard is very aware of this reality, So they abandoned the SHXT hole.

Now ask yourselves, do you want to be a part of this SHXT hole?

Do my logs appease you now? What new character aspect will you use to attack my ideas?

It’s dumb when you say the things you do sometimes, just incase you weren’t aware of it.

Necro much?

Bookmarks are a hell of a tool, aren’t they?

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No comments from blizz, giga cringe

go play over there then

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Even if it were as you say, it would still be indirect. You’re bad at this.

I love bookmarking this comment of yours!

How is the economy looking now? I wonder what it will look like next phase when progression at 60 begins again?

GDKP ban sure did save Sod!

GDKP ban has little, to nothing, to do with the current state of SoD.
You dullard.


You realize that’s sarcasm…. He’s pro gdkp

GDKP bad duh you shouldn’t be able to buy BOP items it’s that easy. If not buying your gear made you stop playing good, maybe we’ll get back to a early 2000 MMO mindset. We dont need 20 servers just servers in each location around the world

TIL SoD wasn’t quietly put out to pasture after the hilariously terrible mess that was P2. Good for Taiwanese servers though!

Clerics lifted the ban on GDKP in Taiwan. Paladins rejoiced.

the items still need to drop… lol GDKPs are not gear shops. the gold goes to the people who helped make the item drop, and it helps the economy thrive… it would be different if people were exchanging gold or wow tokens at a vendor for their gear.

Blizzard needs to work harder on stopping the gold buyers and relax on the gold earners.



yea no sht its gone down, theyre handing out gold, why would people buy more? And for a dying seasonal server? LOL WHAT?

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Lets see how a GDKP Ban works for all of SoD and go from there.