GDKP Ban Lifted

Apparently why? Because a couple Swipers are pretending it hasn’t?

Here, let me say this: the amount of RMT has drastically reduced.

I just presented as much evidence as them.

What we do know is Aggrend said the ban has made it easier for them to ban gold buyers.

The claim was that banning GDKP’s would remove all botting and RMT.

No it wasn’t.

Come on Ziryus. You’re better than saying something so ridiculous.

Is this the part where you quote the one guy who said that?

Is botting and RMT still happening?

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Yes, and everyone knew it wouldn’t completely remove it.

I guess you are just acting silly about this topic. Not even worth responding anymore.

It’s funny because he basically replied to you and said this was the case here:

the only thing to spend that kind of gold on is GDKPs.

Ummmmm. The lazy players would be the cc swipers. Duh so how dumb do you sound right now.


Oh look ban still in place.


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You and Dyxlesic have gotten ratioed so damn hard in this thread I’m surprised you losers are even still in here.

Oh no cap? Lit. On fleek. This response be low key bussin, deadazz.

This is a game full of people that are 30+. Talking like a normal person is a lot more beneficial than trying to look cool with nonsensical gen z slang.

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There are no bots in GDKPs…

Considering my thread has over 800 replies do you really think I’m upset about the “ratio”?

Just because you’re in the masses doesn’t mean you’re right.

He would bet his life on it,

And then he would die

:cherry_blossom: :hibiscus:

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Because we pay blizzard $15 a month to ban rmt players from the game and theyd need to refund that money if there are rmt players joining raids with any amount of regularity.

yes there are

The bots already out number us.

Pretty soon they will take over.

You’ve been under a rock if you unironically think “ratioed” is a newer term.

You’re right though, unfortunately this games community is made up of a fair amount of older generation folk that severly stagnate its potential growth by latching onto outdated methods.

just checking to see if the GDKP has been lifted. i went to the kitchen to throw a hot dog in the microwave quick. is it still banned?

Still banned. Was never lifted, since it was never banned in Taiwan…which has nothing to do with WoW in other parts of the world.

A mod really should rename this thread since it’s nothing but a troll clickbait lie.


You still have never answered my question as to why Blizzard felt the need to make a thread?

It wasn’t banned because players knew it was coming and abused weakauras to spam the system

its not like you are certain they never had plans to stop it.

players just knew before it came

You wouldn’t know that though, you can barely read English let alone Mandarin …

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: