GDKP Ban Lifted

No I claim to never buy them with real money which I don’t.

You just didn’t understand how the token worked

BFD took my rogue maybe 3 weeks to get near full-bis by just making my own non GDKP group. Group forming took maybe 5 minutes and never had an issue except week 1 when idiots wouldn’t FAP kelris.

Blizzard did not allude to anything. You asked for data and evidence. I gave you the best data I could based on what I saw in most GDKP’s and specifically the GDKP’s I was a part of from Naxx - Sunwell in classic. You are disregarding that information in favor of your belief in something that was not actually said and is only your own interpretation/belief.

I will grant you that maybe the number is higher than what I expect it is from my experience being part of GDKP, but you’ll have to understand that you do not have the numbers, blizzard has not released them and the best either of us can do is guesstimate. It seems like you do not have much basis for your estimate though.

Yea gdkps are just a loot method.

Gdkps are being corrupted because of rmt and bots.

Rmt and bots aren’t being corrupted because of gdkps.

You’re hatred is in the wrong place.

they arent just a loot method they are a service of selling raid items for gold
gdkps are corrupt because of that reason, there is no seperating rmt and bots from the game. your delusional fantasy land you live in with made up scenarios in which gdkp can exist innocently will never happen. you literally do not care about rmt and bots if you do not realize this

read the blue post " It’s also undeniable that GDKP contributes to and drives a lot of illicit activity, such as real-money trading (RMT) and botting, as it creates a demand for in-game gold that would not otherwise exist. " thus the arms race is created. your anecdotal data is futile and you yourself were probably involved in less than 1% of gdkps on your server. you have no argument to put forth and no valid points being made

This is what I have most trouble accepting. If it’s the case and removing GDKP does in fact make a significant difference if fighting RMT then I am all for it. However I would want to see definitive proof of this or at the very least a clear detailed explanation as to why Bots and RMT can not be tracked/controlled.

if you yourself are ever able to create or find an mmo that has finally been able to seperate rmt and bots from it then you are allowed to say that it is not the case, until then, there’s no fathomable reason why anyone would think any different. there is absolutely no definitive proof that it is even possible

if you look at any list of top mmos every single one of them, without fail, will have bots and rmt

Again this does not provide any numbers. You are reading too much into it and seeing something that is not there. Yes GDKP did contribute and drive illicit activities and RMT.

Fair enough, I would still want to know why this is though and try to change it rather than just accepting that it is how things must be.

If there were a way to remove all RMT and bots I think we can at least both agree on it being a good thing to pursue.

You have nothing to worry about then, they are banned here.

Why are you still so angry?

I hope they ban you :slight_smile:

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Wrong. This is my SoD character and I’m anti-GDKP.

Let’s debunk some common myths and emotional-backed arguments of all of you complaining about GDKP bans.
(Plus Taiwan is not China and GDKPs were never banned there in the first place because of local law).

“I’m tired of carrying noobs.”
Then look at logs when pugging - it’s not that hard. Even better yet, make a guild and vet your players. If you are too lazy to make a group then go back to raid finder.

“We just enjoy making gold.”
Then farm and contribute to the economy. This would counterbalance the bots and gold farmers because supply would rise above demand and less people will buy gold to gear in GDKPs as well.

“They only listen to the vocal minority”
I honestly only see GDKP lovers complaining and being vocal. It’s obvious you’re all retail players so your sub is locked in and Blizz could care less if you play SoD or 1 of their other versions of the game.

“GDKPs don’t bother anyone”
Yes in-fact we have measurable data for how GDKPs cause inflation, force Blizz to create gold sinks, allows gold sellers to launder product, and floods all public chat channels at all times of the day.

The game is tuned for drunk 35 year olds and if that bothers you then it’s not your game. This is like going to a retirement home and complaining that they are playing music from the 40s.

Learn how to play with others and be a part of a community in the way the game was designed pre-cata or play a different version of the game.

Maybe you’re too toxic to be in a guild and have been hiding behind your low purple parses and deep pockets to get any gear. Now reality kicks in.

Do better.


Very well said

Yep it’s pretty obvious now that the only argument against GDKP’s were that lazy players didn’t like them.

Even Blizzard admits they are linked with RMT, and used to launder illegal money. And since the ban it’s easier for them to identify gold buyers.

As well as the social detriment where instead of making friends and doing raids with guilds, you just do a business transaction to see who has the most gold.

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Nowhere does it say the ban was lifted.

It says they are not implementing it there. Meaning it never happened there.

Lifting a ban means it was already implemented…


And the amount of RMT has apparently not decreased.