GDKP Ban Lifted

English isn’t your first language is it? My post was stating cultures are indeed different. :laughing:

Just make one of the existing server open to GKPs so people can stop arguing about it.

Problem solved.

yeah tons of evidence made up in your head, you should get community service or a major fine for consistently lying so much day in and day out without any evidence

I don’t lie about anything you think I’m out here making up gold prices?

Gold doubled in price and there’s a reason for that and it’s because demand outweighs supply.

That’s just factual

GDKP will remain banned. The should add more to the list such a boosting and multi boxing. Play the game as designed or GTFO.

This coming from the guy that was like “Dur watch me tank these 20+ mobs”
then proceeds to pull like 5 and lose aggro on them… then is like “Isn’t the new Swipe OP.”

All while trying to promote his twitch channel.

GDKP is not cheating. How (and I know I am going to regret even asking this, due to the IQ lowering effects) could you even consider it cheating?

Never tried to promote a damn thing.


Enhance and Feral Druids are ridiculous atm for AoE tanking. Pulled 70k xp/hr aoe tanking Cath then in SAME DAY they buff Feral Druids they say “We don’t want to turn the game into an AoE grind fest”

EVERY. SINGLE. GDKP. Has gold buyers or players who obtained gold from gold buyers. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

It increased the amount of RMT, the lead dev already confirmed there.

Increased RMT = more bots.

YOU cheating GDKP idiots are the problem.

and you made up in your head that there are more bots somehow, without any evidence or data?
that’s just a lie lmao

GDKPs create a large market for gold, which results in increased botting activity and gold buying. GDKPs by themselves of course are fine, it’s just the unintended consequences that cause issues.

I feel like whenever these threads come up, you have people arguing the separate issues here.

Not a lie.

Go look at videos lmfao.

Saying there are less is equally a lie.

There is a multitude of videos about sod bot issues.

You going to have to actually open your eyes to see them.

Not sure how you even see less bots when blizzard removed all but 2 layers now, if anything you’re just being a liar like always.

“go look at videos” is all you can say? really not helping your case here. you sound like a fool

Video evidence isn’t data- Xurf the grey.

oh yeah theres definitely video evidence of the tooth fairy too that would totally hold up in court, clueless botlover

You really are a sheep.

I’m literally on your side with most of these things.

Perma ban gold buyers.

Perma ban bots.

Rmt will fall off because of the severe penalty.

Hell perma ban whole IP addresses.

Yet I’m a bot lover, you really can’t make up the amount of stupid you are.

Don’t believe me go YouTube “Wow sod bot problem”.

Get some popcorn

its time to perma ban gdkp’ers that can not move on from SoD to one of the versions of the game that allows GDKP.

Time for GDKP enthusiasts to download Duolingo.


Hey again, since the other topic was closed, just want to get my response to you.

You are side stepping. The topic was % of people who GDKP and RMT.
Yes Blizzard has the most accurate data. Banning GDKP was stated to have made banning RMTers easier due to GDKP being used by people who RMT to obfuscate their RMT. They did not release details of how many people in GDKP are participating in RMT.

“perma ban ip addresses” but dont perma ban the systems that support bots the most, which are gdkps, lmfao yeah right

Drink is just upset because he’s terrified the ban will extend to Wrath where he uses GDKPs to make a fortune of gold. Which he then transfers to SoD. And also uses to buy Tokens (even though he claimed he never bought them).

i wasnt side stepping, you claimed to have a number of people doing rmt in gdkp and for some reason put that number WAY lower than what blizzard alludes it to be