GDKP Ban Lifted

Favorite Instrument: Acoustic Guitar

I was blown away when he made that comment. That’s really quite a statement. To not only acknowledge, but confirm that RMT and GDKPs are connected. And that GDKPs are used to launder gold.

I would ask these pro-GDKP people why he would ever say that unless he believed it. And he’s the man with the data. If he believes it, it’s actually backed up by something. It would have been far easier to just ignore the issue, let GDKPs continue. Turn a blind eye to the rampant gold buying. But banning it actually makes it easier for them to identify gold buyers. That’s straight from Aggrend. And again, I applaud that transparency.

I knew whales would freak out over this, but I’m still surprised they still can’t get over it. They really, really, really grew used to buying gear with gold. Even the ones not doing RMT were reaping the benefits from the GDKP cuts funded largely by Swipers. I can only hope the ban gets extended to Cata and Era.


Then why not ban gdkp in all versions? Seems like a simple email to the other teams “Hey man data shows this, ban GDKP”

Maybe they will. They said they’re trying it in SoD first.

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very well said.

for one thing so much gold is in the system now in all those other versions its not going have the same affect. the economies are F’d.

Just note how most anti-GDKP posts are from people who don’t even have lvl 40s in SoD.
These people don’t play the game.

like most of the arguments and points the pro gdkp crowd try to make. this point you are trying to make is so incredibly stupid it does not warrant a serious response. the lead developer said GDKPs are problem related to RMT and illicit activity. your response is to point out that people are posting on an alt.

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why i enjoy GDKP being in the game:

yes, i do raid with a guild and have a main team with a set of ten consistent players - i do enjoy this very much.

but i like to play alts as well and i usually get my alts pretty well geared because i play them often.

I like to go to GDKPs on these geared alts and carry the raid - as a person with gear and knowledge of all the encounters - and i make gold doing something that I both enjoy and excel at: raiding.

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its a shame the GDKp community could not enforce the ToS and allowed illicit gold to run rampant. it has ruined numerous versions of the game and everyone that plays legitimately has suffered bc of GDKP. The developers have acknowledged it is a problem. perhaps the GDKP community should have done more to keep out dirty gold instead of just trying to find “whales” to pump up every pot.

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You are not entitled to payment or recompense for playing a video game.


I love when gdkp players try to make it sound like theyre running gdkp for the good of other players when the entire point of it is to leech gold off of bad players AND it ruins the server and community for everyone else lol


that’s wonderful to hear, now i know we will get along. have a lovely day :slight_smile:

People with basic logic and GDKP supporters are mutually exclusive player pools.

¿¡hOw DoEs iT PrOmOtE GoLd BuYiNg?!

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You need to learn what majority and main mean.

Imagine thinking people need a carry in this easy content, lol. Gnomer can be cleared w green parses.

almost like there are multitudes less bots to farm gold for your addiction so your favorite commodities price goes up :rofl:

Yeah, they are. Trying leaving your country for once and explore the world. Hint: they all ain’t the same!

We both know there isn’t less bots lmfao.

They are everywhere. Tons of video evidence.

But don’t worry a blue post saying “trust us bro” is surely gonna convince you sheep.


It wasnt until some troll showed up with god knows how much for an item that this sparked a problem and inflated an entire economy.

From my understanding it was simplistic before it wasnt and then it became complicated, regardless of train of thought or perspective: you cannot buy the loot if you do not down the bosses and if you are bad you dont get in.

Its a double edged sword really and was a system that became abused sadly. Nonetheless you have people who abused said system and then you have people who literally get off on the entire thing on the forums like the coomers they are because all they do is ignorant troll post anyways.

:V nonetheless seeing this change in Taiwan is a curve ball and I have a feeling this will come back around.

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