GDKP Ban Lifted

wrong. this is one of the arguments the gdkp crowd uses. every argument this pro-gdkp crowd uses is stupider than the last one. the population is in no way reflective of an exit due to GDKP bans. these players did not return to other versions of the game to GDKP. the only version of the game without GDKP is doing far better than the other 4 with GDKP. imagine that.

Honestly who cares?

man I don’t GDKP but this obsession you have in every thread regarding it, is unhealthy

Wrong you just didn’t realize what you were asking.

GDKPs are banned bc they are inseparable from ToS violations and cheating. GDKP arent coming back. its time for you to move from SoD if you want to GDKP.

How are they inseparable?

If all gold buying / selling was controlled GDKPs would still be the best pug loot system. It would be an even better system than when those things are not well controlled.

ChatGPT? This bro never reads anything and copies the same stuff every GDKP post.

there was a blue post not long ago about this. its time to move on from GDKPs if you want to SoD.

I understand you real mad because you cant swipe anymore. its time to move on.

What in the gibberish is this

Because blizzard refuses to invest more resources into combating RMT you think it is worth disabling the best pug loot system? GDKP does obfuscate gold and make it harder to track sellers / buyers - but so does trade box, mailbox, and AH. Should they also disable those?

tbc idc what happens in SoD, I don’t even play it anymore. But people struggling to find groups, pugs being way more restrictive about who they bring, and less total raiders - is a direct result of GDKP ban.

its still in 4 versions of the game. go play those wonderful versions of the game if you want to GDKP. its time to move on from GDKP if you want to sod or move on from sod if you want to gdkp.

I do only raid on Era, and almost all the raids I attend are GDKPs.

SoD runes killed it for me, but GDKP ban def doesn’t make me want to return to a micromanaged version of Azeroth and be forced into sub-par loot systems.

great. then there is no reason for you to be posting in the SoD forums. go to the era ones.

I can post in whatever forums I want, and I am happy to share my views on the current season of Era called SoD.

You are making false claims and unable to back them when questioned.

Again I ask you, how is GDKP inseparable from gold selling / buying, especially considering the loot system gets BETTER when those activities are banned.

there is a blue post comfirming its inseparable. a problem with the GDKP crowd is they can not accept indisputable facts when presented with them. their response is “they are lying” or some such nonsense. All GDKPers are cheaters from what i have seen at this point. i did not used to really care but the stupidity of the pro GDKP crowd has proven unbelievable. Anyone defending GDKP in SoD forums at this point should received a 2 week account suspension and they should be autoflagged for in depth investigation for RMT violations.


LOL if only this dude knew. Do some research.

ALL GDKP is cheating. ALL OF IT. No exceptions.

Source please?

As you like to demand. SOURCE. PLEASE.

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LOL the dude literally said “YOU CAN’T USE THE LEAD DEV AS A SOURCE” HA!

LOL! What an idiot.


I don’t GDKP lol, I am pointing out your bot responses every thread. Read it SLOWLY

i do not believe you and i do not care. its time for you and the rest of the GDKP cheaters to play a version of the game with GDKP if you can not move on from GDKP in sod. there are 4 versions with GDKP. SoD is great bc it has cut out so many of the cheaters.