GDKP Ban Lifted

This dude actually believes this LOL

SoD is dying because it caters to casual garbage tier players. No other reason whatsoever.

So because aggrend said it it has to be true??

Less bots??


There’s new videos every week showcasing bots swarming areas like stockades.

Do you not see all the summon spam??

You’re actually trolling.

Gold went up in price because the demand did, it’s simple supply/demand.

Demand went up and gdkps were banned.

Im on living flame and i report bots in orgrimmar daily, same as Phase 1. I see more fishing bots than ever in the zoram strand.

Is there any data to actually back up what aggrend is saying or is it just heresay

Cause aggrend also said the community was over GDKP’s in an interview

and that servers were being DDOS’d when it wasnt a DDOS, but streamers piling into STV to kill a boss

He’s also on living flame.

No shot he doesn’t see it.

I find it funny that SoD is “Dying”

because people looked at the lack of Raid Logs for the 2-3 weeks while everyone was leveling up and declared “SoD is Dead”

Meanwhile in week 3, the population is suddenly going back up as people hit 40 and raid…

You need to consider this is nearing the peak.

It’s significantly under that of P1.

It would need to almost double to be at P1 peak. Most the guild members and players I know are 40 by this point too. I suppose the XP boost will help people get alts in there again.

That’s because in P1 you could be level 25 in a day or 2, and you could have your alt to 25 in a day or 2…

Lots more logs with a lot of alts.

Wonder what this will look like next week.

So you won’t take any information then? He’s the only source of this and you will deny anything he says if it doesn’t support your narrative. Got it.

Imagine this dude with politics? LOL.

Yup. And there is less of them now.

The gold demand cannot POSSIBLY go up when GDKPs are banned. That makes absolutely ZERO damn sense and you know it damn well.

There are less bots. Less sellers now and some deem it’s not worth it to farm so much, because you know why? THERE ARE LESS BUYERS NOW THAT GDKPS ARE GONE!!!

Get it through your damn head.

GDKPs = RMT Supporters.

Screw GDKPers. You are all cheating pieces of trash.

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I mean I had 4 toons loggin in p1, I only plan 2 at the most this phase. Many other players are cutting back on toons as well I believe.

They are for now, I know I’m waiting on the XP/Gold buff to make getting my alts from 25-40 much easier so I can play around with them in raid.

It’s pretty obvious that getting from 1-25 is MUCH easier than 25-40

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FYI i just left the AH to check for a bot and it took <5 seconds heres a clip

This is on your server.

People leveling toons this week after the announcement are nuts.

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No. Census data actually shows there are more now. Which means per customer purchases may have gone down but order volume is up. Which makes sense, a lot of players did GDKP so they didn’t feel forced to buy gold. Kinda like how gdkp only got popular because of 300g lotus but revisionist history and all that.

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Or bored. lol

I’ve been tempted a couple of times, but I usually just come to the forums and spar for amusement instead. (Intellectual junk food.)

I went and got my sleeping bag on both of the alts I’m planning on leveling though… since the cookies will be THAT much better.

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Trust me bro doesn’t work as a politician either.

Gdkp is a loot setting, I’m sorry they didn’t want to carry you.

There is no cheating they literally kill the bosses you wipe to regularly, they do the mechanics you can’t and get the loot you don’t.

There is no cheating.

Volume of gold buying went up, not down.

Maybe people buy less gold but more people are buying gold.

Hence the demand and the price to match it

Don’t know about that, been seeing the same number of bots. Are you only seeing less because you want to believe there are less, and it fits your narrative that there are less?


You are probably crying into your blanky right now that you can’t GDKP on saturday.

Hahahahahaha this guy is out of touch.

He didn’t say that. The other Classic dev did. And she’s right. Outside of a handful of whales and their alts, people have moved on on this forum. And in-game people don’t care.

not enough evidence for you or do you need more? this is constant on our server. Stand there and youll see bot after bot vendoring at leatherworker and walking outside toward the zep while clipping the entire way